The sequel could very well be a pile of shoot. I'm not prognosticating on that.
The original is a comedy classic in every sense of the word.
Well you'd be correct the sense of the word "comedy." When you look up "comedy" this is what you find:
Professional entertainment consisting of jokes and satirical sketches, intended to make an audience laugh.
A movie, play, or broadcast program intended to make an audience laugh.The key word there is "intended." By that definition, Dumb and Dumber may qualify as "comedy" It was "intended" to make you laugh. If you restrict that definition to include only those things that ARE funny, Dumb and Dumber falls well outside the bounds. It was NOT funny. Unless you are the aforementioned eight year old still obsessed with the words doo-doo and fart, that is.
Since Carey was paid for his performance in that film, the word professional in the defintion also applies. But entertainment does not.
Dumb and Dumber was