Your attitude just wreaks of the arrogance that Auburn fans hate. And I have never called anyone a "bammer" and if you never said that saban was are one of the only ones. You calling me a redneck is funny...
Your attitude wreaks of the arrogance that Bama folks hate. See nothing there in that statement you just wrote. It's as hollow as the point you're trying to make.
Did you even stop to read my responce to Kaos? Did you? By your post it appears that you didn't.
Here's what you wrote:
''What the fuck ever dude...and oh yeah...fuck you and the horse you rode in on. Auburn fans have heard all the bullshit for years and years! We have had to put up with the same bullshit from you guys if you are kicking our ass or if we have beat you 6 times in a row. THat's what pisses us of about you arrogant fucktards. If you are winning, "It's how it's supposed to be"...if you are losing, there are a ton of excuses and "we will be back! we are bama. Saban is god. Tradition yada fucking yada..."
The FACT may turn arouund for Alabama...hell, it has too. But that doesn't mean that you will be the dominant school in the state for years and years like you were in the late 60's and 70's. Auburn has too strong of a program now and there is nothing...NOTHING that the University of Alabama or Nick fucking Saban can do about it!!!''
Fuck me and the horse I rode in on? really , arrogant fucktard''? I haven't been back here for two days and already you ''people'' can't seem to keep from getting attitudes.Yea you don't have an attitude problem.

thats why you "people" have such bad karma now, the way you acted before you were forced by the NCAA to play by the rules. Yep, turn around is exactly fair play. Hope you are enjoying it. I expect us to lose to you at some point, maybe this year, maybe not but until then
bama is''
Stewie, You shouldn't lump every fan base into one description. You have your share of stupid fucking morons for fans as well. Wouldn't you agree? Do you act like them? Do you consider yourself in the same way as far as actions ,how you speak and act? Maybe you are one of those fans Huh?
I didn't act that way before. And YOU ''people'' act that way now so what makes you ''people'' any better than what some Bama fans were acting like before? seem to me your just like those ''people'' that you hate so much. How's that for calling the kettle black chopper chief?