That's the problem with dogging some body. Eventually it seems to come back on you. Six years worth of dogging has a way of building. Not that some neck ass fans need any encouragement. ( I'm refering to some of my more assanine fan base here)
Not sure there's ever been a more fine example of the pot calling the kettle black. Remember "gridiron", that you were one of the most ruthless, toothless, classless jackasses at AUN, before you came here claiming to turn a new leaf. It took no more than one or two challenges from a few of us to get your panties so far up your ass canyon that you heard echos everytime you passed gas.
You ARE neck nation. There is nothing you can say here, with the cred you have and expect anything other than a verbal beat down, whether it's from me, or anyone else here. Have a great afternoon, and I SINCERELY hope you keep coming here.

I hear ya Chizad, I haven't seen anything on Auburn yet on ESPN, or anywhere else for that matter nationally, yet there we sit, #11, or around about. I love how they speak like everyone wants to talk about those teams, so that's why they do it, but they're physically located in that part of the country. ESPN anymore reminds me more and more of the drunk "Wedding Singer" (Adam Sandler).... "I HAVE THE MICROPHONE SO YOU WILL LISTEN TO EVERY WORD I SAY!!!!!