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Why the hell?


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Re: Why the hell?
« Reply #20 on: August 08, 2008, 09:58:07 AM »
We sit there at #11 and get no mention, but fucking Mizzou and KU get all this fucking love about how they are something now, and the big 12 is going to be as strong if not stronger than the SEC.  I say fuck em all.

Oh yeah, they also say the winner of the USC/OSU game has a spot in the MNC.  Already.  I bet Herbsucker is sure pulling for his beloved, and highly overrated fuckeyes to win that one, so he can slob on tressel's nob all season long.  Apparently ole sweatervest has a nice cock, or drinks alot of pineapple juice.  I mean why else would herbie suck on so much?

 :fu: ESPN
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Re: Why the hell?
« Reply #21 on: August 08, 2008, 10:23:13 AM »
We sit there at #11 and get no mention, but fucking Mizzou and KU get all this fucking love about how they are something now, and the big 12 is going to be as strong if not stronger than the SEC.  I say fuck em all.

Oh yeah, they also say the winner of the USC/OSU game has a spot in the MNC.  Already.  I bet Herbsucker is sure pulling for his beloved, and highly overrated fuckeyes to win that one, so he can slob on tressel's nob all season long.  Apparently ole sweatervest has a nice cock, or drinks alot of pineapple juice.  I mean why else would herbie suck on so much?

 :fu: ESPN

Ohio State better be worried about 9/20 when the men of Troy invade Columbus!  They screw around and let Troy stay in the game and it could be pretty damn funny for the rest of us.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2008, 10:24:21 AM by Saniflush »
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"Hey my friends are the ones that wanted to eat at that shitty hole in the wall that only served bread and wine.  What kind of brick and mud business model is that.  Stick to the cart if that's all you're going to serve.  Then that dude came in with like 12 other people, and some of them weren't even wearing shoes, and the restaurant sat them right across from us. It was gross, and they were all stinky and dirty.  Then dude starts talking about eating his body and drinking his blood...I almost lost it.  That's the last supper I'll ever have there, and I hope he dies a horrible death."


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Re: Why the hell?
« Reply #22 on: August 08, 2008, 10:42:46 AM »
That game is circled on my calendar. I'm not pulling too hard for them to win their opener in Baton Rouge, but I won't shed a tear for sure if they do pull it off. Ohio State's the team I want to see them whip. If that could happen, then Ohio State could pull off beating USC, I would be a happy man.

But yeah, I guess I'm not going to bitch too much about us not getting love, as long as we're sitting at a decent spot (#11 will do) and we can knock off some of our highly ranked opponents. As long as they don't ignore us at the end of the year again, which I can't see how they can possibly do considering our schedule of supposed world beaters this year.
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Re: Why the hell?
« Reply #23 on: August 08, 2008, 07:23:17 PM »
What the fuck ever dude...and oh yeah...fuck you and the horse you rode in on. Auburn fans have heard all the bullshit for years and years! We have had to put up with the same bullshit from you guys if you are kicking our ass or if we have beat you 6 times in a row. THat's what pisses us of about you arrogant fucktards. If you are winning, "It's how it's supposed to be"...if you are losing, there are a ton of excuses and "we will be back! we are bama. Saban is god. Tradition yada fucking yada..."

The FACT is...it may turn arouund for Alabama...hell, it has too. But that doesn't mean that you will be the dominant school in the state for years and years like you were in the late 60's and 70's. Auburn has too strong of a program now and there is nothing...NOTHING that the University of Alabama or Nick fucking Saban can do about it!!!

Ok asshole, before you lump me in to the mainstream, why don't you back your  fucked up attitude into the ass your talkin' out of.
All I said was eventually we'll get the streak beat.  Yes, things will get ugly as far as fans and the media,''especially if Bama rips off a couple wins and the new offense doesn't pan out''. And it was in response to this....

''.  God help us all if that smarmy bastard ever wins a game or two. ''

A comment by Kaos that I responded to. Did you not read that? I doubt it. You saw a Bammer responding. Get your fucking red neck head out of you ass long enough to stay up with what the fuck I am replaying to.
I've never said Saban was god and a matter of fact, if you can belive truth through that cromagmun cranium of yours,  you think headed mother fucker, I've only seen and heard it from dumb fucks like yourself. Talk about stupid mother fuckers. Geezz.

I don't want to fucking fight constantly here. I'm trying to have a bit of fun but redneck dickheads like yourself are making it hard to do that. This also means you to auchopper( a hardy fuck you).

By  the way, to the rest of you sons a bitches, that'd be Mr. Jumbo, '' The ''Prowler, Sani and the rest.........
good to be back around you aubienite assholes.
with repects of course     :moon:
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Re: Why the hell?
« Reply #24 on: August 08, 2008, 07:31:07 PM »
I knew you'd be on this shit quick chopper. I 'm not getting in to another no win bullshit session with you.
I know your true colors and I don't have time for your usless Bullshit so knock yourself out  with the insults and bait.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2008, 07:32:19 PM by BLS »
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Re: Why the hell?
« Reply #25 on: August 09, 2008, 12:28:00 AM »

Ok asshole, before you lump me in to the mainstream, why don't you back your  fucked up attitude into the ass your talkin' out of.
All I said was eventually we'll get the streak beat.  Yes, things will get ugly as far as fans and the media,''especially if Bama rips off a couple wins and the new offense doesn't pan out''. And it was in response to this....

''.  God help us all if that smarmy bastard ever wins a game or two. ''

A comment by Kaos that I responded to. Did you not read that? I doubt it. You saw a Bammer responding. Get your fucking red neck head out of you ass long enough to stay up with what the fuck I am replaying to.
I've never said Saban was god and a matter of fact, if you can belive truth through that cromagmun cranium of yours,  you think headed mother fucker, I've only seen and heard it from dumb fucks like yourself. Talk about stupid mother fuckers. Geezz.

I don't want to fucking fight constantly here. I'm trying to have a bit of fun but redneck dickheads like yourself are making it hard to do that. This also means you to auchopper( a hardy fuck you).

By  the way, to the rest of you sons a bitches, that'd be Mr. Jumbo, '' The ''Prowler, Sani and the rest.........
good to be back around you aubienite assholes.
with repects of course     :moon:

Your attitude just wreaks of the arrogance that Auburn fans hate. And I have never called anyone a "bammer" and if you never said that saban was god...you are one of the only ones. You calling me a redneck is funny...
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Re: Why the hell?
« Reply #26 on: August 09, 2008, 03:43:13 AM »
With the help of Bls we should have a fun football season at the X :vn:
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Re: Why the hell?
« Reply #27 on: August 09, 2008, 09:35:15 AM »
Your attitude just wreaks of the arrogance that Auburn fans hate. And I have never called anyone a "bammer" and if you never said that saban was god...you are one of the only ones. You calling me a redneck is funny...

Your attitude wreaks of the arrogance that Bama folks hate. See nothing there in that statement you just wrote. It's as hollow as the point you're trying to make.
Did you even stop to read my responce to Kaos? Did you? By your post it appears that you didn't.

Here's what you wrote:

''What the fuck ever dude...and oh yeah...fuck you and the horse you rode in on. Auburn fans have heard all the bullshit for years and years! We have had to put up with the same bullshit from you guys if you are kicking our ass or if we have beat you 6 times in a row. THat's what pisses us of about you arrogant fucktards. If you are winning, "It's how it's supposed to be"...if you are losing, there are a ton of excuses and "we will be back! we are bama. Saban is god. Tradition yada fucking yada..."

The FACT is...it may turn arouund for Alabama...hell, it has too. But that doesn't mean that you will be the dominant school in the state for years and years like you were in the late 60's and 70's. Auburn has too strong of a program now and there is nothing...NOTHING that the University of Alabama or Nick fucking Saban can do about it!!!''

Fuck me and the horse I rode in on? really , arrogant fucktard''?  I haven't been back here for two days and already you ''people'' can't seem to keep from getting attitudes.Yea you don't have an attitude problem.   :taunt:

thats why you "people" have such bad karma now, the way you acted before you were forced by the NCAA to play by the rules. Yep, turn around is exactly fair play. Hope you are enjoying it. I expect us to lose to you at some point, maybe this year, maybe not but until then
bama is''

 Stewie, You shouldn't lump every fan base into one description. You have your share of stupid fucking morons for fans as well. Wouldn't you agree? Do you act like them? Do you consider yourself in the same way as far as actions ,how you speak and act? Maybe you are one of those fans Huh?
I didn't act that way before. And YOU  ''people'' act that way now so what makes you ''people'' any better than what some Bama fans were acting like before? seem to me your just like those ''people'' that you hate so much. How's that for calling the kettle black chopper chief?

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Re: Why the hell?
« Reply #28 on: August 09, 2008, 10:02:20 AM »
I knew you'd be on this shit quick chopper. I 'm not getting in to another no win bullshit session with you.
I know your true colors and I don't have time for your usless Bullshit so knock yourself out  with the insults and bait.


 :clap: :rofl: :clap: :rofl: :clap: :rofl: :clap: :rofl: :clap: :rofl:

We have other "bammers" here that don't garner the attention you get.   I'm just not letting your "gridiron" days, and obvious combustable attitude go unchecked.   I KNEWWWWWW it would only take ONE post calling you out, and you'd freak the fuck out.  Amazing how I seemed to call that.   You are the very NECK you claim to NOT be.  You're in fact, the very WORST type.   

We'll have conversations with the Bama fans, and keep "bitches" like yourself around for the poking from time to time.  Fact is, you'd be accepted here more if you were just the prick you really are, but the false front is nothing more than that... FALSE.  Fuck that.

Have a great Saturday Grid.  :thumbsup:
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Re: Why the hell?
« Reply #29 on: August 09, 2008, 05:01:03 PM »
I'm having a wonderful Saturday, Went to the movies, took my family, including my son and his girlfriend to luch after. Great day indeed.
Your well wishes  are very heart felt.
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Re: Why the hell?
« Reply #30 on: August 10, 2008, 07:19:12 PM »
Vein-popping rant

Okay, so the line that set you off was "God help us if that smarmy bastard ever wins a game or two." 

Let's break it down. 

First, do you deny that Saban is a smarmy bastard? Because if you do, then there's no need to continue this discussion. The guy oozes smarm and is a complete bastard.  So we've established that.  It's one of those irrefutable facts.  If you want to argue this point, then we might as well add discussions of whether the world is flat to the menu. 

Second, do you deny that there is a fan and media deification of the smarmy bastard? Because if you do, then again the discussion is over. It is an undeniable fact. Everyone agrees.

Third, do you deny that there is little basis for the deification? Here we might have some room for discussion.  My personal opinion is that overall, Saban has proved to be a mediocre coach at best. My personal opinion is that his hype far outweighs his substance.  But this position does allow for some discussion.

And finally, since we take items 1 and 2 to be fact, then the statement as a whole is true regardless of whether the third condition is met.  As he is already deified, God help us if the smarmy bastard ever wins a game or two because the fealty would reach the standards rank and file Germans once accorded Adolf Hitler.
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Re: Why the hell?
« Reply #31 on: August 10, 2008, 08:17:11 PM »
That was a great read Kaos!

Unfortunately, I'm not sure BLS will understand half of it.  He'll kiss your ass as if he does though.  Get ready for a bammer knob slobbing...  :thumbsup:
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Re: Why the hell?
« Reply #32 on: August 10, 2008, 10:00:02 PM »
Game, Set, Match...
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Re: Why the hell?
« Reply #33 on: August 11, 2008, 03:10:35 PM »
Okay, so the line that set you off was "God help us if that smarmy bastard ever wins a game or two." 

Let's break it down. 

First, do you deny that Saban is a smarmy bastard? Because if you do, then there's no need to continue this discussion. The guy oozes smarm and is a complete bastard.  So we've established that.  It's one of those irrefutable facts.  If you want to argue this point, then we might as well add discussions of whether the world is flat to the menu. 

Second, do you deny that there is a fan and media deification of the smarmy bastard? Because if you do, then again the discussion is over. It is an undeniable fact. Everyone agrees.

Third, do you deny that there is little basis for the deification? Here we might have some room for discussion.  My personal opinion is that overall, Saban has proved to be a mediocre coach at best. My personal opinion is that his hype far outweighs his substance.  But this position does allow for some discussion.

And finally, since we take items 1 and 2 to be fact, then the statement as a whole is true regardless of whether the third condition is met.  As he is already deified, God help us if the smarmy bastard ever wins a game or two because the fealty would reach the standards rank and file Germans once accorded Adolf Hitler.
Mediocre? Ya'll are just jealous that we've got a coach that's gonna make us national champs in 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!
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