I'd go Samsung on the SSD drive plus I think you can get the 256 for $180
*edit* its $189 - http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=5247114&csid=_61
Actually was going to switch it to this Samsung.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820147164&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=But it's sold out.
This is also a viable option.
http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/searchtools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=5552077&SRCCODE=LINKSHARE&cm_mmc_o=-ddCjC1bELltzywCjC-d2CjCdwwp&AffiliateID=8BacdVP0GFs-RJtjHthlnFM1WlYE5m59pQHave any beef with Sandisk?
Plextor appeared to get decent reviews. Does the buffer cache not being listed on these mean anything? I understand that SSDs don't really need it, or often times manufacturers don't list it as a feature because it's so negligible? Not really clear on that.
I keep going back & forth between 250-256GB or 120-128GB.
My current setup uses less than 100, but I'd hate to be stuck. Leaning towards 256 now...
I'd go 16 gb of RAM and probably would do 1600 vs 1333 ...I'd probably also stick to Kingston
Ehh...I'm not a gamer. Can't imagine 4x2GB 1333s not being enough.
Unless I'm wrong. Enlighten me.
I mean, I'm not going to be killing it with Skyrim or anything. I'll dabble in a game here or there, and like having the option if I want to. But I'm not a gamer. I had a Wii, for Christ's sake.
The highest demand I'm likely to throw at it is having Photoshop, Firefox with 20 tabs open, iTunes, and maybe an HD video running.
Am I going to see a huge difference doubling up the ram?
Don't care for the motherboard either, I have had problems with the Gigabyte, plus that is to expensive, you should be around $140. I would say MSI. I just installed one of these in my FIL's computer, great setup on it.
I've heard nothing but good about Gigabyte MBs until now.
That one looks nice. Have to have firewire, and eSata is nice, but not necessary. The four USB 3.0s is nice as well.
If you can find one similar to the one you listed but with an IEEE 1394a, and I'm sold.
Looks like you already bought it... but any reason you went Green on the WD. That is only a 5400 speed rate is it not? Thats slow vs a 7200 especially at a HD that size. Personally I would have probably gotten (3) 1tb drives with 7200 at 64 cache. I think about mitigation as well if your big drive crashes your fucked.
Actually, I'm using this to go in my Drobo, which is essentially a proprietary RAID configuration. It spreads your data across all of the drives for protection. I've currently got 2 2TBs, a 3TB, and a 750GB. Going to swap the 750GB for this Green drive. I know 5400 isn't great, but I jumped on $109.99 for a 3TB. Speed isn't really that big a deal since it's going to basically contain my movies, and a backup of my music & maybe pictures. Basically I plan on using the SSD for all of my programs, the 750GB for all other files including documents, pictures, music, etc., and then reach out to the Drobo for my video files. They play just fine on my present setup with USB 2.0. By the way, this is why Firewire is a must for me. If I'm looking for a speed upgrade on my high capacity drives, I'm going to get more from switching from USB2.0 to firewire, no? Those are the only two outputs on the back of my model Drobo (I've had it for a while).
Also do yourself a favor and get rid of that POS CPU fan and get this.
Hadn't done a lot of research on the water coolers. I thought they were more expensive. I've heard a lot of horror stories about them leaking and fucking up your entire system. Are that a valid concern?
If I use that radiator, it takes the place of the CPU cooler, correct? Also, I wouldn't be able to use the two case fans I just bought, but I guess that's not a huge deal. Maybe I can turn around and sell them.
The rebate on those case fans only applied to one, that's why there's a different price for each. Maybe I can keep one and use it for the bottom fan.
Basically, I figured I had the cooling situation under control, and didn't want to go overkill. Reconsidering now.
What are you doing for a power source?
NVM I see you got the power source, I'd say thats a little overkill 550W you would have been OK.
Well, shit.
I guess there's no use crying over spilled milk, but at $60.99, I couldn't have gone much cheaper for the quality, no? There's no risk in overpowering or anything, is there?
Really appreciate your input, btw. This is what I needed
before I started pulling triggers.