Where were you when I was officially sailor bait? Good grief. You have never been hotter. Your mockery of Riata at the TAMU game was so damn awesome, it made me giddy. Can only imagine how awesome it will be at this particular A-Day. By TAMU last year, we were resigned and the Riata mockery was half hearted. No longer.
The coward wasn't there. Smart move on his part.. I had a 3 man team, armed with multiple rolls each, engaged in this seek & destroy mission.
While walking to the stadium gate, The Six, my buddy Tim, and I stumbled upon an ESPNU crew. I peeled back and engaged the enemy. It went exactly like this:
Me: "Wow, ESPNU! What smear piece are y'all working on about Auburn today?"
ESPNU fucktard: "We only tell what we know."
Me: "Really? Well then, you don't know shit."
There will be another day for Raita. I wish I could have found the other horses ass, Rick Karle, while we were on patrol. He was there; I saw him on last nights newscast throwing a roll toward the tree (with a crowd of dumbasses cheering him on). His throwing motion is similar to that guy on the car commercial who's playing catch with his son. Karle is a frigging stooge on the same level as Raita.