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AU 4 USM 3


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AU 4 USM 3
« on: March 21, 2013, 12:36:55 AM »
Just left Mobile where AU beat USM 4-3 in 11 innings. 

Couple of things. 

Was a fun game in a way.  Managed to win and got to extras primarly because the centerfielder threw out a runner at the plate trying to score from third in the middle innings. 

This is NOT a good baseball team.  Doesn't really have an offensive identity it seems.  Missing a "spark" 

Did some fundamental things poorly.  Second baseman didn't field a single ball cleanly and was handcuffed on several. 

Was disappointed in about the seventh inning, trailing 1-0, when AU (which had two hits all game at that point) got the lead runner on and then sent up a pinch hitter to flail wildly at three pitches instead of bunting the runner over and playing small ball at that point. 

Also curious why you'd send a guy up for his first at-bat of the season in the eighth with runners on and trailing 3-0.  He flailed too.

FWIW, Auburn's huge "rally" from a 3-0 hole in the 8th came when the left fielder dropped a fly ball, a walk and a hit batter sandwiched around two whiffs and then Cullen Wacker smacked a bases-clearing double.  But if the left fielder doesn't drop the ball to start it off.... pfffttt. 

I just don't think this is a very good baseball team at all. 

On another note:  Saw several idiots at the game decked out in full bama regalia.  One utter fool was wearing an obnoxious hat, a t-shirt stretched over his ample girth and a bama baseball jersey so small and tight he could only button one button.   Saw many more in head-to-toe crimpson.  Hats, pullovers, the whole thing. 

I can see coming to watch a baseball game just to have something to do.  I can see coming to watch teams other than the ones I support.  If Bammer happened to be playing Tulane or somebody and I was in the neighborhood I might even go to the game.  I would NOT go there dressed like I was headed to an Auburn tailgate.  I find that to be boorish and blatantly offensive.   The only other person I saw with odd gear on was one young woman adorned in a Florida State sweatshirt and scarf.  But she was cute, so I forgave her.  She also looked lost. 

The buffoon in the stretched-too-tight bama baseball jersey strutted around like he was daring somebody to say something to him. 

Fools like him and the rest of the clowns who showed up at an AU-USM baseball game looking like they were on their way to worship at the altar of Saban are the reason the rest of the thinking world looks with disdain on those backwood jackass rubes. 
« Last Edit: March 21, 2013, 12:50:40 AM by Kaos »
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