That might be my second favorite.
This is my first.
D-Wade as the bear. and Mario Chalmers as Super Mario... 

I think those videos are fuckin hilarious and when I get on the dance floor and act a damn fool, I just tell everyone I'm doing the Harlem Shake. It's a â€do whatever the fuck you want to do with or without rhythm dance.â€
I think we should pull off the biggest Harlem Shake during the A-Day game, just have about 10-15 video cameras recording everyone in whatever outfit they bring with them, and however crazy they want to dance. Have a few camera in the upper deck to get a better view of how massive the crowd of crazy dancing people is....
Have Aubie starting the dance at midfield, then break it down with everyone on the field, after the A-Day game, just going batshit crazy with whatever crazy costume or prop they bring.