This will be fighting big money oil. hemp was ding just fine till the early part of the 19 century when the oil companies paid to have the government classify it as cannabis. Overnight the nylon rope was king.
The uses of hemp far outweigh the risk of someone smoking an 8 foot tall plant all at once just to get the same high as one marijuana joint.
Actually, you're close, but not accurate.
It was Citizen Kane himself, William Randolph Hurst that demonized it. He ran the news papers, and also owned paper mills to produce these papers. Because hemp was so much more economical, and better quality, it would have put his paper mills out of business, and hence the yellow journalism campaign.
Marijuana was colloquially referred to as cannabis and was not thought of as a big deal. Hearst started the campaign against the "new drug" called Marijuana. A lot more people thought like you back in those days and were terrified by anything that sounded like it was associated with teh brown people. He ran bullshit stories about how it fueled rape and murder sprees and must be stopped. Also it was much easier to demonize something people had never heard of. If most people had known that marijuana and cannabis were the same thing, they would have probably called bullshit.
Hence the marijuana laws we have today.

Well, good. Maybe a stance on national pot decriminalization isn't far away; FedGov needs as many revenue streams as possible. On the other hand I can't hire anybody who can't pass the drug test; my bonding company won't allow it, my insurance company won't allow it, and my clients won't allow it.
That's the problem. If it were legalized, that's the first step in eliminating those silly restrictions.