This story absolutely infuriates me. I can't help but wonder if this same story had been about Republican voters in the 2000 or 2004 elections if there would not have been Grand Juries formed, arrests made, Justice Department investigations, audits, etc. But, instead, it's: oh well, someone voted four or five or six times and they are a poll-worker...ho hum.
My favorites:
'"There was absolutely no intent on my part to commit any voter fraud," she insisted.'" (Said the poll worker who voted early, then voted on election day, then cast a ballot in her daughter's name, then cast a ballot in her grand-daughter's name...). Then there's this:
'"The voter said yes she 'voted early' and then voted again, then she asked 'what's the problem?'" according to the report.'" Merciful Buddha.

We are doomed.
There should be a special place in hell for these people along with people who talk in theaters.
Excerpt from Fox News (yes, I know...I know...but no other "news" agency seems to be looking into this issue), all emphasis is my own:
Did Obama supporter vote 6 times in 2012? Ohio poll worker target of investigation
By Eric Shawn
Published February 19, 2013
The Obama/Biden lawn sign remains proudly planted in front of Melowese Richardson's Cincinnati home, three months after the presidential election.
It seems that President Obama has an especially ardent supporter in the veteran Ohio poll worker.
Richardson told a local television station this month that she voted twice last November. She cast an absentee ballot and then voted at the polls as well.
"Yes, I voted twice," Richardson told WCPO-TV. "I, after registering thousands of people, certainly wanted my vote to count, so I voted. I voted at the polls."
Authorities also are investigating if she voted in the names of four other people, too, for a total of six votes in the 2012 presidential election.
"I'll fight it for Mr. Obama and for Mr. Obama's right to sit as president of the United States," Richardson vowed when asked about the voter fraud investigation that is now under way.
Richardson is one of 19 people suspected of illegal voting by the Hamilton County Board of Elections in the last election.
Richardson claimed she had submitted an absentee ballot, but was afraid her vote would not count so she also voted in person. She also said she voted in the name of her granddaughter and yet another person.
"There was absolutely no intent on my part to commit any voter fraud," she insisted.
Richardson's granddaughter, India Richardson, confirmed to Fox News that her grandmother voted for her, by submitting an absentee ballot in her name. India told Fox News that she is not angry, and gave her permission to cast her absentee ballot.
"It wasn't a big deal," she said.
But election authorities say voting more than once, or in someone else's name, is a big deal because it is illegal and threatens the credibility of the nation's election system. {NO KIDDING.}
"It appears she not only attempted to vote more than once, but was actually successful at it and having those additional votes counted," Ohio Secretary of State John Husted, who is in charge of the state's elections, told Fox News.
"She appears to have used her position as a poll worker to cover her tracks.
In written reports detailing the 19 cases, Board of Elections investigators described their findings.
In one instance, an investigator called a suspected double voter and was hung up on.
"I explained that she voted twice and she told me not to bother her and get off her phone and she hung up," the investigator wrote.
Another voter admitted to double voting, but did not think it was an issue.
"The voter said yes she 'voted early' and then voted again, then she asked 'what's the problem?'" according to the report.
Yet another voter was at a loss for explaining why he voted more than once.
"Voter said he remembered both times. He doesn't know why he voted twice," the report said.
The documents show that another voter said he had received a phone call before Election Day telling him his absentee ballot would not count. When investigators questioned him about voting two times, the voter replied "'as usual, you guys are wrong.' ... he was curious about the investigation and asked 'Now what will you do' and 'are you taping me now?"
The Hamilton County Board of Elections is holding hearings to further investigate these cases.