My wireless network connection keeps cycling on/off. It fucks up my ability to stream to my tv and, more importantly, it fucks up my wireless scanner. I can't get shit to scan.
It's an admittedly old system, but otherwise everything works fine. I updated the driver for the Linksys Wireless Access Point and there is no improvement (of course, they haven't put out a new driver for this sucker since 2004).
Is it just the wireless connection, or the entire router? You can check by connecting your laptop to the router with a network cable to see if the connection is constant, or if it intermittently disconnects like it does when it's wirelessly connected.
I had the same problem with my desktop computer. It would occasionally disconnect the wireless connection only, and this occurred with a D-Link and a Linksys router. I changed the wireless USB card that I was using on my desktop, and that seemed to fix it, so there was apparently a conflict between my wireless Cisco USB card and both routers.
Currently, I'm using an SMC Networks wireless USB card and a D-Link router, and they seem to work fine together. So it could be a conflict between whatever wireless card is in your laptop and whatever router you're using.
I tried all sorts of settings in the router and on my computer to try to get it to stay connected, but had no luck. The only solution I can give is to try to get a router that's compatible with your laptop wireless card, or get a USB wireless card for your laptop that's compatible with the router you currently have.