FUCK GLEE FOR STEALING SHIT...now I'm going to go back to downloading hundreds of movies and evading RIAA notices.

Actually, yeah. Jonathan Coulton's understanding of technology and how it affects his bottom line (far more positively than negatively) does play a part in me liking him.
Your comment, although clearly meant as sarcasm, is actually spot on. Taking a song, or even a cover of a song, and completely reproducing a carbon copy
IS actually copyright infringement in the spirit of the law, and actually
IS harmful to an artist's bottom line. It
IS plagiarism. This is who the RIAA should be going after if they actually gave a fuck about intellectual property. Not kids acquiring digital copies of their favorite songs on MP3 that they could just look up on YouTube if they really wanted it on demand anyway.
And I'm gay cause I like dick inside me.