What do you do? Just picked up some Powerball and Lotto tix across the Fla. line. Powerball is up to $110 Million. Let's say you hit the numbers and after Barrax Obamanu takes his share, you're left with what...roughly $50 Million and some change? Cash money. In the bank. Mine, mine, all mine. So....
whatcha' gonna' do? You hear all kinds of stories about what people do, what happens to them. Been reading lately how one poor dude most likely got poisoned for his winnings. You always hear about long lost friends and relatives coming out of the woodwork to renew old acquaintances. Some people keep right on working in blue collar jobs, saying the money won't change them at all.
Do you take care of close friends and family? What do you consider "taking care of" or helping out? Do you keep working? Do you buy a fleet of bad ass vehicles? Do you pay everything off, build your dream mansion and build a fence between you and the world? Do you retire to wherever you consider to be "paradise"? I know some of the things I'd do right off the bat, but I tend to think that having been out in the real world, I'd have better sense than most of these athletes who come into huge amounts of $$$, having never held the first job in their lives. So...how you gonna' start spending?