Sani takes his coffee the way Tarheel takes his ladies - strong, thick, and black
Shut the fuck up! Now... Vader, he's a spiritual brother, y'know, down with the force and all that good shit.
Honestly, I never touch the stuff.
Lando Calrissian is a positive role-model in the realm of science-fiction/fantasy.
Getting up at the ass crack of dawn and doing an 1 1/2 of pt might have something to do with it.
At least you aren't 4th like Sani.
And Jedi's the most insulting installment! Because Vader's beautiful black visage is sullied when he pulls off his mask to reveal a feeble, crusty, old white man!
That's because you start your day with the violation of someone's constitutional rights.
Oh...He's a democrat.
And a hippie.
Fun times.
1 1/2 of PT, jeez we called that Sat morning in the 101st. 4am to 5am calisthenics and then 5am to 6am a nice run for one hour with stops along the way for the 25/35 count. 25 pushups/35 situps and get back and run. 6 to 6:30 cool down, which was normally more push ups and sit up. Fun times.
Meanwhile, over at the Navy base, drunken sailors were just staggering back to the boat reeking of cheap booze and cheaper women.You sand pounders and your silly push ups. Suckers, the lot of ya!
I remember one run at 3/187th Ft. Campbell, where it was 2 degrees above zero and all we had were those stupid yellow sweats to run in. I wore boxer underwear that morning and my shit froze numb. I had to take a pee to thaw it out.
I was MSB 101st.
A main (or mobile) support battalion (MSB) was a US Army logistics formation in the pre-modular army. The role of the MSB was to support soldiers in the division rear and provide designated reinforcing support to the forward support battalions. [1]