I saw that and I almost threw up! Blame the Fast food not the fat fucks eating it, thats about right! 
Well, you just don't get it. Big Business is preying on those poor, defenseless, weak-minded, degenerate under-achievers. Society owes these “great Americans” extended protections by curbing the excessive greed that the evils of Capitalism promotes. I'm almost certain that George Bush, Dick Cheney and other prominent Republicans are trying to open their unhealthy, fast food, restaurants in these prime neighborhood locations. It’s a travesty to permit free market forces into a community that would likely benefit from the low-cost, budget menu items and the associated entry level and “starter” management jobs. The government giveth, and the government taketh away. All praise the mighty government. For without the government, we would be nothing. May the Obama shower us with his elitist wisdom and show us the way to Leftist enlightenment.
And now, I'm going to hug a tree and embrace Dutch Socialism. After all, they're so much better than us Americans.