I bet you like to slap your iphone and call Siri "ziggy"
iPhone? I'm not gay.I just fondle balls.
So if I was on a train traveling at the speed of light, then walked from the back of the train to the front of the train, wouldn't I be traveling faster than the speed of light?
Probably not.....I've seen you walk.
Well then how in the hell do they get the bubbles in the beer? I thought splitting beer atoms was the only way.
No, the wind would blow you off.
While in the classical domain, the resolution with which a measurement is performed does not change the physics (measuring with a better resolution only improves the precision of the measurements results), this is no longer the case in quantum mechanics. The Heisenberg relations imply a universal dependence of physical results on the resolution of the measurement apparatus. Basing ourselves on this universality and on the relative character of all scales in nature, we have proposed to incorporate resolutions into the definition of coordinate systems, by defining them as their ‘state of scale’. In this form Einstein’s farreaching formulation of the principle of relativity, according to which “the laws of physics must apply to any system of coordinates, whatever its state†[17], can incorporate not only the effect of motion transformations (through the quantities which caracterize the state of motion of the reference system, such as velocity and acceleration), but also of scale transformations. The implementation of such a generalized principle consist in requiring both motion -covariance (more generally, covariance under displacements and rotations of fourdimensional coordinates systems) and scale-covariance[9].This result is the key for a description of nondifferentiable processes in terms of differential equations.Rather than considering only the strictly nondifferentiable mathematical object f(x), we shall consider its various approximations obtained from smoothing it or averaging it at various resolutions: +∞f(x,ε) = ∫ Φ(x,y,ε) f(y) d y (3.1) –∞http://aristote.biophy.jussieu.fr/~luthier/nottale/arCSF94.pdf
Let us finally briefly consider some prospect for the future development of this field of research. Concerning 29 stochastic quantum mechanics, some work is still needed for a proper inclusion of spin (one can hope to see it not artificially added as in current quantum mechanics, but instead naturally emerge as a structure of the fractal virtual trajectories), then for a thorough understanding of the Dirac equation (in particular in a stochastic framework which would include trajectories running backward in classical time). Concerning scale relativity, the next step is now to include fields into the description: we shall suggest in a forthcoming paper a possible approach to this problem, which allows us to derive new relations between masses and charges of particles [40].
What would happen if I bent space and time around my flesh rocket and thrust it at warp speed into your black hole?
Maybe if we tied a cheetah to Grandma's back.
Does the future currently exist in a tangible state?
No, because you're in a different "state of scale" than that of the outside of the train. Kind of like bubble boy. To make space travel possible, without dying of old age, you would need a vehicle that travels FASTER than the speed of light. "theory of Space-Time Continuum Quantum physics tell us that everything which exists actually flashes in and out of existence about a billion times per second."http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/9411005"Loop quantum gravity is one theory that predicts a discreteness of spacetime."http://electron6.phys.utk.edu/qm2/modules/m9/dirac.htmhttp://electron6.phys.utk.edu/qm1/modules/m5/pictures.htmhttp://www.math.rochester.edu/people/faculty/cmlr/Preprints/Utah-Summer-School.pdfhttp://www.cs.vu.nl/~rmeester/onderwijs/stochastic_processes/sp_new.pdf