Maybe we should hire Sumlin if he can sign players a year before he's hired! Or maybe you can time travel on your skreetz?
I'm not sure about Coach Sumlin, would we be taking about him as a possibility if he didn't have Johnny Football© at QB? I know he signed him and everything, but Johnny made him look really good at Cam made Coach Chizik look good. So, idk, I mean he would be better than Coach Chizik, but so would probably most of the D1, some D1-AA, D2, D3, JUCO, Prep & High School coaches.
He grew up in Brewton and still has family there...Word is, Auburn engaged to find out interest level fully expecting Sumlin to say "not interested". Apparently he didn't say "not interested". That is about all I can tell that has happened at this point...
Except he didn't recruit him.
Well that sucks. Who did?
This guy:
Sweet Shermanator hustle!