The one that cracks me up on the list is the Ruger Mini-14. If you're not familiar here it is

Why is this on the list? I have no idea. It shares the action with the M-14 which was a military rifle, except this one shoots a smaller bullet (5.56 vs 7.62), is not fully automatic, and isn't as accurate by most accounts. Who is it popular with? Ranchers and farmers mostly who use it to dispatch sick cattle and coyotes. The one on the top in the above picture is even called "Ranch Rifle".
Now what is odd is the Ruger Mini-30 is not on the list. Why is this odd? BECAUSE IT'S THE SAME DAMN RIFLE IN A LARGER CALIBER (7.62)!!!! The only difference is that you typically don't see it with all the stupid tactical, Moder Warfare wannabe crap on it! The gun ban list is all about guns that look threatening, to hell with how much they are actually used in crimes.
AR-15 in any variant is on the list. Remington 7400 carbine is not. What are the differences? Both are carbine length gas operated semi-auto rifles with detachable magazine. One just looks intimidating and the other doesn't. This is ludicrous!

Rem-7400 Carbine