I like to keep it simple too. If I want it during the year I just buy it. The commercialization of the holiday season has gone full tard. No thanks. Would rather go hunting Friday morning. Yes, yes I will.
Don't get me wrong, I am a cheapass and love a good deal as much as the next person. I have done Black Friday two times, first time this old lady (70's) ran my ass over with a buggy at Target. I mean just plowed the shit out of me to get after something that was on sale. Never apologized or acknowledged shit ran into me. I actually saw one woman run other another woman that morning and it ruptured her achilles tendon. Paramedics had to come in and get her out of the store. Fucking nuts!
The second time I went with the wife and we went to Lowes, bought some things and it wasn't bad, then we hit the Wall Marks for a Wii and it was torture. People were fighting over the Wii and we said screw it. Was walking out by the garden center talking about ordering one online and the cashier lady told us to wait. Rang us up, gave us a slip of paper and told us to go to the semi trailer parked on the side and pick it up. Got in the truck, went and ate breakfast and came back home and went back to sleep.
Now I do the online thing. I gave it some consideration this time b/c I have to work Friday and have to fight the traffic regardless. Thank god of online deals.