IT'S A BEAUTIFUL DAY. I just went outside. The air, it's so fresh and crisp. As I drove around the Appalachian foothills today, the leaves were turning and it was gorgeous. Right now I hear a couple of mockingbirds singing in the distance.
I'm even drinking this, and it tastes so sweet:

HAHAHA fuck the mullet tyde. All of the janitors, gate guards, protozoan brain inbred fucks can now feel the butthurt flow through them. They can taste the taint of an 18 year old QB. They can watch that crystal trophy fly away.. "fly away little crystal birdy, fly away now." We can hear on Finebaum "BUT PAAAAAAAAAAAWL SABANANAN LET DEM WIN, CAUSE IT'S VETERANS DAY AND THEY HAVE MILITARY TRADITIUNS"
We may lose to thUGA, we may have a shitty season.. but you know what, at least there's this small little bit of beauty in the world.
Call me "that" fan, call me a piece of shit, call me a very bad football fan... I'm all outta fucks to give. Sorry, I'm at E.
Thanks for listening.