Economy is in the tank and not getting better. Get ready for tax hikes in January. Gotta pay for all this government control that 50% of the country wants.

Being conservatives now basically equates me with idiotic bigots which is so not the point. I don't care who you want to screw. I just want less government. Apparently, most of the people don't.

War is never ending and becoming even more pointless. I feel for our soldiers. Go over there but don't shoot at anybody unless we say it's okay. And by the way, it's rarely okay.

Auburn football is in real downturn and doesn't seem to be in a hurry to get out of it. Ted Roof actually WASN'T the problem. :ripted: I know, I know. Read the creed.
Television is a waste of time. American Horror Story was a genius show last season up until the very end. This year is utter garbage.

No point in even bothering now.