He should just become a yankee and get it over with.
But who will carry on the Saints fight?
You guys hear about the new drink Sandy?It is a watered down Manhattan
He will be here all week folks.Don't forget to tip the wait staff.
Hickory Dickory Dock...
Still a bit overcast, but it's far from the Mad Max dystopian future ghost town that people are describing.http://aws1.earthcam.com/?c=tsstreetSun's supposed to come out tomorrow morning.
So you have been married to: ErinOpalSandraIvanGood for you. An open mind(ass) seems to be the new thing nowadays......
blew....he needed the money!OH!
Opal blew me and Allstate screwed me.
Fuzzy little foreigner
Just saw Aerosmith do sound check to Sweet Emotion for the Today Show.