There's a very good chance this will be Jake Holland's last game this year. Has anyone watched LSU play this year? Well, it's the same as last year but now they have a QB. Time and time again, they simply pitch the ball back and run straight up the gut of the defense. I have no doubt in my mind that the game plan for LSU....after watching the award winning comedies that are AU's first 3 game films...will be to go right at Holland the first 37 plays of the game. Is it possible that he turns and runs at some point?
He will be in there until he is physically too injured to play. Not wishing that on him. I am just saying he will play until he simply cannot play anymore. However, considering that his uniform is still clean at the end of every game, the chances of injury are slim and none, unless he trips over his own feet in the open field and sprains an ankle.
If the AU coaches have not figured out by now that he is the weak link in the D, then what's another 37 or 45 or 56 plays right at him going to prove?
And no, I think he is too stupid to figure out he sucks. And too stupid to be scared.