The forewarning of these obviously orchestrated attacks, is mind blowing considering the timing (9-11) and the total lack or response to protect our people. And the media....well, let's just say my blood was boiling and I don't normally get caught up in that kind of thing. Night before last, I was flipping channels and came across coverage of the "protests" going on in Egypt. There were the obligatory shots of thousands of sand-gars setting fire to everything. But what struck me was the back and forth between the reporter and the lady in studio.
They were talking about how the new regime in Egypt was stopping just short of encouraging these riots and how they really have every right to feel and act this way because of a Youtube video. Then they switched back to the studio and I saw that the lady was that Rachel Maddow, who now was talking about Romney and how he should be ashamed of his comments. I had no words...
Now, a bigger problem to me is what I keep hearing about the debate over cutting off aid to these countries who are attacking our embassies and killing American citizens. First off, we have a deficit of 80 skwabazzillion dollars...and we're sending aid to Egypt? To Libya? To Pakistan? To Syria? Is there any country in the world we're not dolling out billions to every year? For what reason? And they burn our flag and kill our citizens? What the hell is wrong with THIS country?