So. The little naked bleach blond has a dragon?
If they were to kill her off, could the show go on?
Not so much.
Not just A dragon. Tres dragones.

Too bad she can only ride one into battle.
However if the theories hold true then she, Tyrion and Jon can all ride one.
I don't know who I want to win the throne any more.
Cersei - Hate her, but she's a stone cold survivor who's dealt with and dealt out more crap than anybody on the show. I don't think I want her there, but she's fought hard for it.
Jon - Hasn't proven himself to be a great leader yet. People follow him, but he's single-minded.
Dany - Love her. Would dothraki all over her. What claim does she have, though, other than the lineage and that she was gifted dragons? She's vindictive, arrogant and other than slaughtering the slave traders, not very calculating.
Jamie - He's like the classic WWE star. By turns heel and face. Just when you think he's gone good, he does something bad. Just when you think he's gone bad, he does something good. In his own way the most interesting, conflicted, tortured character in the show. He's one of the few who has a moral compass even if it does point south sometimes.
Tyrion - Would be the best choice, but he doesn't know it. Would be a fair and judicious king, but would be susceptible to overthrow. Can't see him ending up there, but he's one of the few I predict will survive to the end.
Arya or Sansa - Please. Arya is a baby Cersei in the making. Everything she knows she learned from the worst. Arya doesn't have the proper gravitas.
Varys or Littlefinger? Both want it to establish a new line of succession, Littlefinger more than Varys. I don't think it's a stretch to see Littlefinger there, but Varys will be dead before the series ends.
King Bronn? Ha!
King Tarly? I'd like that, but his arc is going to be limited to showing the way to beat the Whiteys.
Bran? Dislike his character entirely except for the fact that he's filled in the blanks on some of the history.
Theon? Doesn't have the balls for the job.
Who else? The chick from Dorne who's in the dungeon? Euron (he'll be dead shortly)? Yara?
RickDickon (haha)? Brienne? Ed Sheeran?
Will any of it matter? I think that's the thing. At some point they'll probably have to dispatch with Cersei and have Jamie, Jon, Tyrion and Dany working together with advice and counsel from Sam to defeat the White Walkers. At that point I'm not sure I'll care any more.
The whole White Walker thing has been like a sideline story that has nibbled at the fringes of the show. If in the last four or five episodes it becomes the central focus of everything, that's going to feel a little like a cheat. It's not what anybody tunes in to see.