« on: September 04, 2012, 05:52:20 PM »
GarMan and I obtained a copy:
2012 Democrat Convention
Charlotte, North Carolina
Schedule Highlights
Invocation by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Opening Flag Burning Ceremony
Tribute to all 57 States
"GD America" sung by Rev. Wright
Pledge of Allegiance to Obama
Salute to the Rainbow Flag
Salute to the Troops and White Flag Ceremony
Roll Call of the Blue States
Tribute to the Gitmo Freedom Fighters by Michael Moore
Personal Finance Seminars and Break-out Sessions led by Chuck Rangel,
William "Cold Cash" Jefferson, and Timmy Geithner along with a Special
Program called "Deficit Spending for Dummies" led by Barack Obama
Afternoon Golf Clinics on all days with Barack Obama
Celebration of Diversity Luncheon hosted by Joe Biden featuring tacos
and curry chicken.
John Edwards leads a seminar on Family Values
Free Gov. Blagojevich Pep Rally!
Breakout Session, Voter Recruiting hosted by ACORN, the New Black
Panthers, and the National Embalmers & Morticians Association.
Breakout Session, High Income for the Unemployed by using Obama's
Stash hosted by Barack and Michelle Obama
Tax Evasion, a Primer Seminar hosted by Timmy Geithner and Rep.
Charlies Rangel
Fast and Furious Effective Gun Maintenance, Seminar hosted by AG Eric Holder
UFO Survival and Tin Foil Hat Making Class hosted by Dennis Kucinich,
Jimmy Carter, Joe Biden and very special guest Ron Paul
Vacationing Tips on Someone Else's Dollar, Seminar led by First Lady Michelle Obama
Small Business Luncheon, "You DIDN'T Build That!" with host Barack Obama
How to Get a Huntin' License, Seminar led by Sen. John Kerry, who served in Vietnam
Collectivism, Corp. Extortion, Vandalism, and Squatting Made Easy,
Seminar led by Occupy Wall Street
Government Transparency Symposium led by Barack Obama and White House Spokeskid Jay Carney
Government Grants from the Obama Administration: EASY MONEY!, Seminar sponsored by Solyndra
Green Energy Frontiers: Unicorns and Perpetual Motion Engines, sponsored by General Motors and Solyndra, led by Barack Obama and Energy Secretary Steven Chu, hosted by the Honorable Sean Penn
Blaming Others and Dodging Responsibility, Break-out Session hosted by Debbie Wasserman Schulz and the DNC Communications Dept. featuring appearance by Barack Obama
Feeding of the Delegates with 5 Loaves and 2 Fishes, Barack Obama
Suprise Guests: Chavez and the Castro Brothers!
Denunciation of Bitter, Clingy, Christian, Gun-Owners, speech by AG Eric Holder
Official Nomination of Obama sent via TXT Message and Twitter from George Clooney in Hollywood
Acceptance Speech as the Messiah by Barack Obama
Celestial Choir Sings
Benediction by Malik Zulu Shabazz
Balloon and Skittles Drop!
Roll Call of the Red States

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The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me.
-Ayn Rand
The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money.
-The Right Honourable Margaret Thatcher
The government solution to a problem is usually as bad as the problem.
-Milton Friedman
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'
-Ronald Reagan
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.
-Thomas Jefferson