Starts with somewhat of a minor embarrassing itch, unless you're from Mississippi. They don't mind reaching in the side vent of their overalls to scrotum scratch while we try to do it in our pockets here. Not that bad until it festers and starts oozing puss. Then, it burns with the intensity of molten lava in the crevices of the ball sack and upper leg. Would even try diesel fuel for relief if nothing else were available.
And that is why I mentioned the stuff. When I was a teenager, I got a nice dose of this. For some reason they did not have a nice cream for this (or maybe we just didn't have any). So my dad tossed me what he used to use. He said to wait till I was home alone and apply it to both sides. And then run, yell, whatever for about 30 seconds. When I wake up the next day, all would be well. He was right, ON ALL ACCOUNTS!
Holy SHIT that stuff burned. Wherever it touched turned WHITE. And then I knew why he said wait til no one was at home. I think the neighbors heard me.
The next morning, no itch whatsoever.
From that day on, I made sure that I took at least 2 showers a day.
I have a hard time remembering the stuff, but I swear it was called Neat's foot oil.