**sigh** and I had such high hopes...
With that post, back to noobie obscurity you go...
Reminds me of several years back, my buddy and I went to one of those meet and greets with Bobby Bowden down in the Hassee'. They were serving copious amounts of alkeyhawl and we were partaking of the same. On the way home, we got the great idea of hitting the local Hassee' Hooters. It was a week night and late so there were far more hooters than customers. We literally had 5-6 girls there sitting down with us and we two drunk guys were more than happy for the attention. We got into a discussion about the best way to pour up a beer. One of the Hooter babes shows us how she pours it and my buddy blurts out, "That bitch likes it hard and fast".
Alone...um, check please.
I just stared at him in disbelief...What? did I say something?