Serious Clark? Damn.
Quit being a bigot TW!! 
True dat. She is the first openly gay mayor of a major US city.
I don't give a good gorram who she sleeps with - altho her partner actually uses the title First Lady, which kind of strikes me as odd... - but I would despise her if she was a hetero with a First Man - she is as liberal as they come, and her continuation of the smoke and mirrors fiscal policies of her Democrat predecessor have fucked Houston on its now massively underfunded fire and police pension funds. She deliberately hid his serious fuckeration on the funds because he was running for Governor, and her payoff was being his hand picked successor for Mayor (he was term limited) - but what is so bad is that she was formerly the City Controller, and ran on a platform of fiscal responsibility...
SO GLAD I do not live in the jurisdiction of the City of Houston.