Heard the interview again this morning. Cindrich has an axe to grind with Lord Saybinz and from what I understand, he's been talking this stuff for the last year. I learned something listening to Brando today when they were talking about this story and how cut-throat the sports agent business is. I forget the guest's name but he's a new analyst for CBS Sports. He and Brando both said for the most part, the agents for college coaches don't take a cut of the deal they make for that coach. Instead, the corch agrees to funnel his players to that agent. If true, I can easily see where some major back stabbing could go on.
To me, while Cindrich spouting off about Lord Saybinz being a big cheater cheater is certainly cause for

I imagine it will die down soon enough. Hard to call the omnipotent one a cheater and completely alienate the NCAA at the same time.