I was watching an animal show last night...what a great animal the walrus is. I love it...it's got flippers, tusks, a mustache. It looks like something God built last minute.
Like God was up on the 6th day exhausted..
"Oh this is due tomorrow?" ...
"I'm not feeling very creative, can I just put together some of my earlier work?" ...
"Do a best of?..maybe a God's greatest hits?"
"Yeah that will work..I will put together the seal, the elephant, and Burt Reynolds."
Why the mustache? That's what I love about the walrus. Like my 8th grade science teacher Mr. Jibly used to say "Animals adapt certain features to fit in with their environment."
What environment did the walrus find himself in where he was like ...shit I need a mustache? What was he a 70's porn star?