When you don't file and pay taxes by the due date prescribed, you are generally penalized. That's usually the way it goes.
Well yeah.
Taxes due April 15. Until we made it through the first year I was in business and saw what the shit eating K1 said I supposedly "made" the concept of quarterly wasn't a sure thing. We landed a major contract late in the year that changed the world.
IRS didn't give a shit. They retroactively applied the concept that I should have paid quarterly, Said I should have "anticipated" it. And jacked me because I didn't.
That sparked me getting a new bookkeeper, and hiring two different accounting firms to handle business and personal taxes to keep me out of that bog. And it's been a shell game ever since. Fired one firm, picked up another, still (always) looking for the "right" fit -- the one that will fucking TELL ME how to dodge the IRS sledgehammers and not always and only look at what happened in the past and go "ooohhh... damn.... you're gonna owe $xxxx,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
Accountants are miserable at that. They're like damage assessors. Most can't tell you what's going to happen, they only know how to react after the fact. Which is, in my case, typically WORTHLESS.