Ours suck this year. I didn't get a biscuit from Shaggy's until 9:15 this morning.
A few summers ago we had an intern from Bama. Of course I'm Auburn and the other two guys I was working with were Tennessee and Auburn so we gave that poor, scared 19 year old all the grief he could handle. On his second day the UT guy came into the intern corral and asked our errand monkey if he had an Ipod docking cable because his Ipod died.
"Yes sir, but it's at my house."
"Why don't you go get that for me?"
We watched at the window until he got in his car and drove a couple of miles before I called him.
"Where the hell are you?"
"I'm in my car heading to my house."
"It's 10 in the f'in morning! Get your lazy ass back here!"
Then I hung up on him before he could explain, he was practically in tears when he got back. Good times!