I'll never buy a mac. PC and linux for me. I've been using linux exclusively for about 8 years now. Stated learning Redhat 9 in 2002. Apache is cool too. About to load open BSD 5 on my desktop and take it for a spin. fudge Apple and Microsoft up the ass with a fist.
Um, Red Hat's version 9 didn't come out till March 31 of 2003. And as others have pointed out, Mac OS has BSD under the covers.
It really frustrates me when some make this Linux/MS/Apple issue a religious war. I agree with the arguments about proprietary verses open, but I also know each system has its strengths and weaknesses. As a guy that buys/approves all technical hardware and software for a company, we have mostly Windows PCs, but have a few iMacs and Linux servers. We also have iPads and iPhones. Same deal at home: a couple of PCs, an iMac, a MacBook Pro, iPads, Android tablets, and a Linux machine (yeah, I'm a geek). Not going to get into a Mac/PC/Linux war, or iOS/Android war - they all have their strengths and it basically boils down to what works for you.
But the top Apple guy is an Auburn grad - that should count for something.