Scarbo, you are a tool. Get a real job. Of course those comments by "supporters" are disgusting but this is a not so thinly veiled attempt to try to stir up emotions more than they already are. Good job, Scarbo! RTR !!!
Ironically, the same guy posted this response to an Auburn post on this same topic.
War buzzard, one more time, we didn't get it the first 2. RTR !!!
And then, bammers trying to get Scarbo fired. Spinning this as if
he's the one being sympathetic to "Woosie". Every one of these posters had "Bama" or "ua" in their handle.
As bad as yesterday's story was, this topped it. Now this killer is humanized to many more. Now this killer is "Woosie". What a cute name. All Woosie wanted to do was party. Those mean old cointry boys couldn't hang, so they jumped him. He shouldn't spend a second in jail. If anyone wiyh a say at the paper is reading this, please take the time to explain to me why this guy is allowed to continue representing you. It amazes me that a supervisor allowed the past two articles to be posted. You guys have serious issues to resolve.
I wasn't sure who to support in your little tiff with Tim Brando at first. As it turns out, Tim Brando looks classy compared to you. He would have never written anything that vile and disgusting. I don't agree with him on much, but he would have never taken a road as low as you to get hits on a website. Auburn fans, you should write the editor Pam Siddall and tell her what you think. She's an Auburn grad, so she might listen to you.
The person who wrote this article should be terminated...really, three people dead and you are reposting ignorant facebook messages. I get, I get it...stories like this don't come around often and when they do you have to milk'em for all their worth...but seriously. I demand better wrtitting.
Scarbinsky is so eager to exploit this tragedy that he trolled Twitter to see if he could find offensive comments to print. Every time I think he can't be more pathetic he sinks to a new low.
And this:
This was a foolish post. He does NOT have an OJ band behind him because 6 or 8 people are dumb enough to comment. You need a job writing fiction so that you do not have an easy pay check each month. Any fool can write trash to insite fools, but at least someone writing fiction will starve and cut grass to survive.
And apparently, some misguided Auburn fans...
Dear Editors,
I deeply regret that you have chosen to post this article by Mr. Scarbinsky. Aligning a story about this tragic incident and these sad deaths with the case of OJ Simpson and all of the highly charged ideas that come with that association is truly insensitive and unprofessional.
Sadly this article is just another example of how this page and the writers who contribute to it have traded in a hunger for controversy for what used to be the honored profession of journalism. Mr. Scarbinsky especially is a flame thrower and he does a disservice to your once proud paper and to all who read his endless attempts to be clever at the expense of solid journalism, the lives of those he writes about, and the general public.
Stick to the facts, remember those who have died, those who were injured, their families, friends, and neighbors, and please consider allowing Mr. Scarnbinsky to write less.
Thank you,
Joe York
AU '99

They desperately want the one voice sympathetic to Auburn out of there...