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The Glades


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The Glades
« on: June 27, 2011, 09:33:03 AM »
I want to like this show.  I've tried for two seasons to like it.  It fits my Sunday gap between seasons of Dexter and the Spartacus escapades (yeah, I know Spartacus is a Friday thing but I usually get around to it on Sundays). 

The Glades just bores me.   The lead actor (Matt Passmore as Jim) has no charisma.  He's supposed to be debonair, a charming smart ass, smooth, intelligent.  Instead he comes off like an Australian fighting to maintain a fake accent. Oh, wait. He's an Australian with no American experience, struggling to maintain a fake accent.  Guess that explains it.  His range of emotion is nil.  The asinine back story, shot his Chicago cop boss in the ass over a woman, adds nothing.

The woman he's supposed to have a hard on for (Kiele Sanchez as Callie)  is utterly unimpressive and can't act a lick.  I've seen her in interviews away from her "acting" and if she'd bring that same charm and ease to her character it would be so much more impressive.  But she doesn't.  She's stiff and wooden and dry.  Can't imagine why anyone would be drawn to her character at all.

She can be hot (see below) but just doesn't bring one tiny bit of that heat to The Glades.  She just looks perpetually dowdy and confused. Terrible actor.

Passmore and Sanchez have no chemistry whatsoever.  The producers tried to add in a previous love interest to spice things up and although she's Saved by the Bell hot she doesn't provide the spark this show desperately needs.

The addition of Callie's estranged husband, a convict named Ray (perhaps the worst actor of the entire bunch) gives the show an opportunity to put Callie and her (horrible actor) son in some predicaments but the chemistry between Sanchez and the fool playing her husband is even less combustive than that between her and Passmore. 

All that's sad because the rest of the supporting cast is pretty good.  It's just the leads that drag it down.

The Glades is dead in the water, which is a real disappointment. . 
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Re: The Glades
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2012, 03:43:24 PM »
Tried this show again in the new season. 

If anything it's worse. 

The Callie character (who can be hot as evidenced above) may be the worst female actor I've ever seen.  I don't know what she's done to her face but it looks like chewed cabbage now.  It's freak me out ugly. 

Could be a good show but it just flounders with the absolute lack of chemistry between the leads.  There is absolutely zero belivable spark. 
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Re: The Glades
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2012, 01:57:15 PM »
I watch it. You are correct. The supporting cast is entertaining. And now they have brought in Taylor Cole to spice things up, but how? Where are they going with that?

I agree. Callie looks like she just gave birth and has not rebounded yet. It was so bad, that after the first episode, I googled her to see if she had just had a baby.
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Five statements of WISDOM
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends, is the beginning of the end of any nation.


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Re: The Glades
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2012, 01:59:48 PM »
Tried this show again in the new season. 

If anything it's worse. 

The Callie character (who can be hot as evidenced above) may be the worst female actor I've ever seen.  I don't know what she's done to her face but it looks like chewed cabbage now.  It's freak me out ugly. 

Could be a good show but it just flounders with the absolute lack of chemistry between the leads.  There is absolutely zero belivable spark.


What annoys me more than anything is all the ill timed cliche punchlines the main character always seems to utter. Fake as hell. Reminds me of how David Caruso does that at the beginning of every CSI Miami episode before the opening credits take off. Seriously cheesy shit. Sad too, because as you also said, the show itself has potential with it's premise.
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Re: The Glades
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2012, 02:13:10 PM »
The new chick is hot, but plastic-ish hot and doesn't have a whole lot of range either.  They should have tried to keep the old girlfriend who came and left. 

The lead guy is so bland I don't think anybody will work playing off him.  He's a six foot tall blob of old cheese.  It's like the writers just got done watching episodes of Rockford Files, Cannon, Hawaii Five-0 (old version), Magnum and CSI Miami.  Then they tried to make the lead guy a cheesy combination of all of the worst qualities of those shows. 

He looks perpetually confused and there's no way he's making the logical leaps and deductions he makes. 

The only people on the show he has any seemingly sincere interaction with are the guys, especially the Mexican guy. 

But the main character just sucks.  Whatever chance he had NOT to suck is dragged down to the depths by Frankenstein Callie. 

I've never cared less about a formulaic forced TV relationship.  Sam and Diane this isn't. 
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Re: The Glades
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2012, 01:29:17 PM »
Some vampire show on SyFy right now and it's pouring rain outside. 
The chick that plays Callie is in it. 

And she is H.O.T.  Don't know what happened to her in Glades, but she's damn painful to look at there.  Here?  Stick it with a limp poker. 
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