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Three places


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Re: Three places
« Reply #40 on: June 06, 2012, 09:45:45 AM »
To briefly hijack the movie line hijack...was at my nephew's graduation in Montgomery last night.  LAMP Academy held their ceremony at First Baptist Church in downtown Monkeytown.  They asked the crowd to please hold the applause etc. until all were announced.  They didn't.  No biggee.  I have no problem with people cheering for a kid who's accomplished something significant.  And from what I understand, graduating from this place is in fact an accomplishment.  On one kid, they announced the name and 5 people stood up with kazoos.  I chortled.  But......

After the announcement of one particular student.....from the balcony came a loud and long..ROOOOOWWWWW TAHD ROOWWW.  Somebody please explain what the fickity frick Row Tahd has to do with honoring a graduating high school student.   :facepalm:
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Re: Three places
« Reply #41 on: June 06, 2012, 10:03:40 AM »
Somebody please explain what the fickity frick Row Tahd has to do with honoring a graduating high school student.   :facepalm:

It has nothing to do with it. In fact, I find it extremely ironic because graduating from a school stands in stark contrast to yelling that phrase.
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Tiger Wench

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Re: Three places
« Reply #42 on: June 06, 2012, 11:25:04 AM »
Too far? Arresting a mom for bad behavior at high school graduation
4:00 pm June 5, 2012, by Maureen Downey

I have been surprised at the amount of manic cheering at the high school graduations that I’ve attended.  In some cases, exuberant family members scream so loudly for their graduates that they drown at the names of the next students.

But this seems to go a bit far: Arresting a South Carolina mom for yelling too loudly at her daughter’s ceremony?

When I read these stories, I wonder if high school graduations are following the path of children’s sporting events where vociferous parents have been told to tone it down or leave the field.

But I understand the frustration of parents when their child’s name is lost to the applause and cheers for the prior graduate. I attended one ceremony where the procession of graduates had to be halted until the cheering relatives calmed down.

According to the New York Daily News:

Beach balls and bullhorns are commonly banned from graduation ceremonies, but some schools also want to silence the screaming — going so far as to have overzealous audience members arrested.

That’s what reportedly happened to South Carolina mom Shannon Cooper, who was accused of whooping so loudly during her daughter’s high school graduation Saturday night that cops charged her with disorderly conduct and placed her in a detention center.

“Are ya’ll serious? Are ya’ll for real? I mean, that’s what I’m thinking in my mind,” Cooper told WPDE NewsChannel 15 in Myrtle Beach. “I didn’t say anything. I was just like OK, I can’t fight the law. “

Cooper said she didn’t act any differently than other families when their children’s names were called during the South Florence High School ceremony. Her daughter, Iesha, told WPDE she didn’t realize her mother was being arrested until her friends told her.

“They’re locking your momma up for cheering — and I was like that isn’t right because other people was cheering and they didn’t lock them up,” Iesha told the TV station.

Police reportedly warned parents that screaming would result in expulsion from the Florence Civic Center. Those who became disorderly as they were shown the exit were also arrested, officials said. That allegedly included Cooper, who was placed in a police van and then taken to a detention center. She was there for several hours before posting a $225 bond, according to WPDE.

“Yesterday can’t be replaced… My mama went to jail on my graduation day,” Iesha Cooper, 18, told the station.

It wasn’t jail but community service that student Anthony Cornist was reportedly handed after his graduation from Mt. Healthy Junior/Senior High School in Ohio. His family and supporters gave him such a rowdy reception that school officials denied him his diploma and told him he will have to perform 20 hours of community service before he can graduate, according to ABC 9 in Cincinnati.

“I will be holding your diploma in the main office due to the excessive cheering your guests displayed during the roll call,” principal Marlon Styles Jr. wrote to Cornist in a letter obtained by ABC 9. While the school didn’t respond to requests for comment, the senior said Monday he personally “did nothing wrong.”

The school is allowing Cornist to split the community service with his family, but his mother told ABC 9 the punishment is “ludicrous” and none of them would be doing it.
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Re: Three places
« Reply #43 on: June 07, 2012, 09:02:52 AM »
It has nothing to do with it. In fact, I find it extremely ironic because graduating from a school stands in stark contrast to yelling that phrase.

I attended a graduation this year.  The Principle gave a polite, and reasoned talk on respecting the other graduates so their families could hear their loved ones names called too.  Fuck it, some gaggle of rubes gonna show respect to anybody else?  Fuck no!  They dont give a fuck and moreover do it so people will look at them.  They need the attention.  And all they're doing when they whoop and holler for a HS graduate is proclaiming to the world either: "This is a major life accomplishment in our family, and likely the highest accomplishment any of us will ever know" or "Yippee! This fucking dumbfuck kid barely made it out of a shitty public school, and we got his bags packed and waiting on the trailer's redwood deck for him so there's one less mouth to feed, we've done our job, now he has to find his own way". 

At the one I went to this year, it held off til somewhere in the B's or C's.  All the Valedictorians and Honor's people that went first went through without a peep, again, because they have higher aspirations in life and come from family that do too.   But, following the first group willing to break ranks, each subsequent idiot family got louder and louder so as to outdo the previous.


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Re: Three places
« Reply #44 on: June 07, 2012, 09:06:48 AM »
“Yesterday can’t be replaced… My mama went to jail on my graduation day,” Iesha Cooper, 18, told the station.

Hmmmmmmm.  So, Iesha, which lesson will YOU take?  The one where momma does as she damn well pleases and bitches about being held accountable (and likely the one ingrained in your young skull full of much already), or the one where she has to pay for doing as she damn well pleases? 


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Re: Three places
« Reply #45 on: June 07, 2012, 10:10:49 AM »
I attended a graduation this year.  The Principle gave a polite, and reasoned talk on respecting the other graduates so their families could hear their loved ones names called too.  Fuck it, some gaggle of rubes gonna show respect to anybody else?  Fuck no!  They dont give a fuck and moreover do it so people will look at them.  They need the attention.  And all they're doing when they whoop and holler for a HS graduate is proclaiming to the world either: "This is a major life accomplishment in our family, and likely the highest accomplishment any of us will ever know" or "Yippee! This fucking dumbfuck kid barely made it out of a shitty public school, and we got his bags packed and waiting on the trailer's redwood deck for him so there's one less mouth to feed, we've done our job, now he has to find his own way". 

At the one I went to this year, it held off til somewhere in the B's or C's.  All the Valedictorians and Honor's people that went first went through without a peep, again, because they have higher aspirations in life and come from family that do too.   But, following the first group willing to break ranks, each subsequent idiot family got louder and louder so as to outdo the previous.



You don't understand. That's the end of the line for a Bammer family. HS is it. Its a damn accomplishment to those Hills Have Eyes looking fuckers. Was up in Auburn last night at a public park to get my jog on and a family of about 5 shows up. Keep in mind this is right near main campus. One of the females with young baby (didn't see any daddy) was actually donning Bama gear literally from head to toe, houndstooth hat, jersey, bama shorts, houndstooth slip on shoes. Almost prancing around like they were proud to do it IN AUBURN, daring someone to say something. The Bama fans around Auburn to me, are actually the worst ones. They have this chip on their shoulder and over compensate on the attire and attitude. If I did that in Tuscaloosa, I would get lynched (since they have a racial history of that anyway up there).
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Re: Three places
« Reply #46 on: June 07, 2012, 06:39:41 PM »
It has nothing to do with it. In fact, I find it extremely ironic because graduating from a school stands in stark contrast to yelling that phrase.
Bravo, sir!  :kimclap:
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Re: Three places
« Reply #47 on: June 08, 2012, 03:38:46 PM »
So, its like Monday...at the office...you know, work...the CFB off season....why are the dumbass bammers wearing their very best faded bama T-shirt on f'n Monday. You mean to tell me that out of all the clothes in the closet that is the best thing they can come up with on a Monday for crying out loud? I mean shit, I could understand if it was like Thursday and one had already worn the favs the prior three days of the work week....but Monday?
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