This whole thing is a pile of disorganized horseshit... More flower-child, hippy, dope-smoking, drum circle puke... That so-called Declaration is a series of half-truths, misinformation and hyperbole. These mental giants know nothing of free market capitalism, economics or reality. The interviews have been hilarious, even the ones that are attempting to be sympathetic to these clowns. These people can't speak. Their points are collections of Obama and pro-union rhetoric. None of them can speak intelligently about what they're attempting to protest. And, many of them are following and perpetuating lies...
Anyone hear about that guy who was accusing Chase of taking his parent's home? It was a big fraud. After several news media outlets and Internet sites sympathized and praised the kid, someone tracked the kid's parents down and found that they are not getting foreclosed. They're just selling their home in a short sale because the local housing market has been hit in their area. The bank actually has little to do with it right now. It's something they're doing on their own.