My rollercoaster ride is a vicious cycle that I go through every year. Every winter I put on my 15 to 20 pounds of winter coat. I tell myself every winter that this year I will do something during the winter to keep busy and don’t. Spring comes around a softball umpiring kicks in and the weight starts to go away. Started the year at 215 and am down to 205 already and by end of summer I’ll be in the 190’s. My wife has got me eating pretty healthy. No red meat (which I don’t mind). We eat a lot of seafood and greens. The only thing I drink is water, fuze green tea and the beer. I have a liter of water on the way into work and re-fill it during the day. And I like the real hearty beers and I like them a lot. I don’t drink during the week because of the umpiring 3 to 4 nights a week plus some Saturdays. On season breaks between umpiring I try and walk a few nights, nothing long just for about an hour. I don’t run, I hate running, after getting out of the military I swore I would never run again. If my fucking house was on fire I would not run, but I would walk damn fast. I get two physicals a year and they have been great. Good BP and low cholesterol ( I do take meds for these) and now I just gotta schedule the camera exploration for the dark side of the moon.
But this winter will be different.