I know I'm not fat, but as I said before, I want to be healthy. I'm also terrified of gaining weight like my father did because we're both the same height. I'm fairly active with my job. I definitely don't teach from my desk. I take my dog for a 1.5 mile walk almost every day during the school. Summer time not so much.
I do things to keep the weight off, but that doesn't mean I'm not where I want to be. My goal is 5'7 155 pounds and able to run 3 miles without dying. I'd also like to be able to do more than 25 sit ups without cramping.
I was TDY this last week. Drank my dinner ever night except two. Those two nights I had fried chicken and a Fried Halibut sandwich. This weekend was no better. To much drink and too much food. Today has been easier and will be easier now that I am home. Officially started the diet again, granola and fruit for breakfast, ham and cheese on whole wheat with sun chips. Tonight for dinner grilled veggie skewers and grilled chicken. I am trying to talk myself in getting reacquainted with Mr. Tony Horton tonight but thinking it may be tomorrow night. I have still not adjusted to the time change.
6'0 or 6'1, "depending on which convenience store I am leaving" and I was down to 205, but I am back up to 215. Not pleased with myself these past couple of months. The good thing is I am at a point to where I get back to doing something about it and it not kill me. Stating out at 215 is a hell of a lot different than starting out at 250.