Maudrecus Humphrey is the son of updyke legend Bobby Humphrey, so this crime has turned into a

trifecta for us. Armed robbery, textbooks, and updyke blood involvement. Damn, it just keeps getting better.
A note to the rest of the schools that gave us shit; FUCK YOU, pull a seat up to the table, and dig in. There's enough crow to go around.
For those of you keeping score at home; the top 4 schools whose fanbases brayed the loudest prior to us being found innocent:
1) updyke academy : town leveled by a tornado, made a national laughing stock due to ecoterrorism & public same sex sexual assault.
2) LSU : placed on probation for cheating.
3) Arkansas : dumbass coach caught shagging a skank, crashes his motorcycle, and is fired. Players involved in armed robbery.
4) USCe : placed on probation for illegal benefits to players.
Fuck each and every one of you and the goat you rode in on. Print out every page of the bullshit theories you concocted about us, bundle the pages together and roll it up real tight, then stick it up your ass!