I thought this was pretty hilarious.
Some of my favorites:
"Mr. President, remember when the country rallied behind you in hopes of a better tomorrow? That was hilarious. That was your best one yet."
"By the way, just to clear things up for the right wingers. Here’s the difference between Bill Maher and Rush Limbaugh. The people who watch Bill Maher know he’s an asshole."
"Ron Paul looks like the guy that gets unhooded at the end of every Scooby Doo episode."
"Some people say journalism is in decline, they say you've become too politicized, too focused on sensationalism, they say you no longer honor your duty to inform America but instead actively divide us so that your corporate overlord can rake in the profits...I don't have a joke for this, it's just what some people say."
"I also wanna thank Mr.Mills my 10th grade high school history teacher who said I’d never amount to anything if I kept screwing around in class. Mr. Mills, I'm about to high-five the President of the United States. Eat it Mills."