It's common perception of corporations that they are evil, greedy, oppressing entities that damage the quality of life for Americans. Why? I don't really know. But the sentiment is out there that these dastardly dominions of wealth must be stopped. Even though most of them start with small beginnings and work their way to being large, successful, powerful businesses, they must be stopped!
I'm starting to see the same resentment and hostility shown towards families especially when it comes to wealthy and prosperity.
Families can be seen as a business.
You have a father and mother that produce children. The father and mother work to create a small networth. They die. The leftover money is passed along to the children that they have raised and enabled to be successful. These kids use that money to produce more money and more kids. This process if consistently successful can and should lead to longlasting and sizeable wealth for the family's name.
Obviously most families don't have that kind of longterm success, but isn't that what we all strive for? Isn't that what we would all say we want for our descendents?
So why are people like Romney chastised for inheriting money from his father and using it to be successful?
He didn't blow through it like an immature lottery winner. He didn't squander it like a spoiled bum. He used it to better himself and his wife and his children.
Yet, we get pictures like this:

Notice that Barack and Michelle's first statement is that they
didn't come from wealthy families as if that's most important positive point in the statement. They accumulated debt and paid it off and were ultimately successful.
It's a great success story. But it seems to demonize, albeit subtley, people like the Romney's who are pictured to the right. They with their despicable inheritance didn't have to accumulate debt. They did come from a wealthy family. But ultimately, they ended up in the same place as the Obamas - wealthy and successful.
One thing I ask the president (and anyone that supports the notion) is whether or not he wants his children to run for political office. Does he want his children to be successful? His two daughters will be - thanks to Barack's hard work - exactly like the Romneys. They will have the trust fund. The financial protection. The investment opportunities. The chance to do anything in their wildest dreams and most likely, the background and upbringing to be successful.
Yet, Obama, democrats, and the left are painting people like Obama's daughters as something to be sneered at. They're the
It's hypocrisy at its finest.