There's a mindset with my generation that money is deserved. Not sure where it's been cultivated. Maybe because all of our role models are instant millionaires in the entertainment industry.
I can admit that it was extremely tough for me to accept my paycheck as a school teacher. Even though I've known since I got hired that this is a low paying job compared to other successful people, it took me a while to understand it.
When my friend hit his third promotion by age 27 and received his new $55k/year salary, I started understanding it.
When my friend closed his first case as a plaintiff attorney and got a $21k paycheck, I really understood it.
But I don't feel entitled to more. I may want more, but there are some people out there who think that because they're educated, because they work hard, and because they have potential that it means they should automatically get more money. That's not true.
As discussed in a different thread, working smart is what's important. Creative writing? Terrible degree to get if you want money and success and longetivity. But it's not impossible to find work. Michael Bledsoe could use his skills somewhere. He just may have to give up the TV, the videogames, the cellphone, the fancy computer, the hip location in an expensive city, the restaurants, the alcohol, the beach, the trip to the mountains, etc. At least for a little while.