If he took money to cover up the affair so he could win the election he is innocent.
If he took the money to cover up the affair so he could hide it from his wife he is guilty and going to jail.
Going to be an interesting trial.
Apparently he took the money to win the campaign but he took way too much from too few donors (over $1,000,000.00

from two wealthy donors). Money was then transferred to his campaign operative who then funneled funds to the campaign AND Reille Hunter. This trial just keeps getting better and better for the Breck Gurl. The Interior Designer for Edwards testified today: I could not help but laughed at his testimony "our furniture business did not really involve furniture". The defense argument about how the money was used seems weak to me and beside the point. If Edwards were a Republican he'd be crucified, drawn-and-quartered, burned to ash and scattered over his mistresses bed.
Excerpts from FoxNews.com:
Interior designer takes stand at Edwards trial
By Jonathan Serrie
Published May 04, 2012
GREENSBORO, N.C. – The John Edwards trial resumed Friday with prosecution testimony from an interior decorator who helped a wealthy heiress funnel more than $700,000 to an Edwards fundraiser, following days of sordid testimony about the former Democratic presidential candidate’s affair with Rielle Hunter.
Interior decorator Bryan Huffman told prosecutors he and his wealthy friend and heiress Rachel "Bunny" Mellon had no knowledge of the affair or cover-up at the time, but assumed the money was to benefit Edwards.
Andrew Young, a fundraiser for Edwards' 2008 presidential campaign, testified last week that he took some of the money, along with unreported cash from another donor, then used it to help hide Hunter's pregnancy from the media
Federal law then limited campaign contributions to $2,300.
Prosecutors argue roughly $1 million from Mellon and the other donor were intended to help Edwards' presidential aspirations and therefore represent campaign contributions.
Edwards, also a former U.S. senator from North Carolina, denies knowing about the payments and has pleaded not guilty to six counts related to campaign finance violations.
The defense maintains the money was simply to spare one man's family the embarrassment and anguish of finding out about the affair and that Edwards was unaware of the elaborate financial scheme to keep Hunter in hiding.
During cross-examination of Huffman, lead defense attorney Abbe Lowell grilled Huffman over apparent inconsistencies between his trial testimony and statements he made during an earlier grand jury investigation.
"Didn't you say that it had nothing to do with the campaign and that it would be a gift?" Lowell asked.
Huffman replied, "Not to my understanding."
Huffman endorsed multiple checks from Mellon, listing various pieces of furniture on the memo lines. However, he admitted in court that he never provided Mellon with goods or services.
"Our furniture business did not really involve furniture," Huffman said.
The prosecution asked, "Well, what was it?"
Huffman replied, "It was money for Senator Edwards."
After signing the checks, Huffman sent them overnight delivery to Young and his wife, Cheri, who used part of the money to pay for keeping Hunter in hiding.
When asked whether Mellon was aware of a $2,300 federal limit on individual campaign donations per election cycle, Huffman laughed and said, "She thought it was a little low."