And the dems as levelheaded? You've lost your fucking mind.
I think I know where I went wrong.
I think I've gotten to the point where I ignore the left extremists. They simply don't exist to me. The Sharptons and Pelosis are so far beyond help that I choose to forget that they know the English language.
Because of this, my view of Democrats is shaded and comforting. I take their talking points as if they are outlining a proposal intended to help the country. I, being level headed, then take each talking point with a grain of salt. Then I analyze them and decide whether or not I agree or disagree with them. Because I've removed all of the crazies from the discussion, emotions aren't invited.
Further, I still look to the Republican party as the only true majority party with any chance of saving the country. So I therefore have a much higher set of expectations for anyone associated with it. But they've left me thirsty and scrounging for water.
The right's best options seem to be Romney, Santorum, Gingrich, Limbaugh, Fox News, Savage, Hannity, and Beck.
When Romney emerges as the only viable member of the Republican party, I start to question its future.