Video: Barkley goes full drag in Weight Watchers commercialBy Tom Weir, USA TODAY 29 Mar 2012 Here's video of Charles Barkley's upcoming commercial for Weight Watchers, and we'll just warn you that it's not pretty.Unless of course the sight of Sir Charles in full drag is your kind of thing.But Chuck pulls it off as best as can be done by someone long known as the Round Mound of Rebound.The theme is that Barkley wants guys to know that Weight Watchers isn't just for women.And he does have a good closing line.
It just looks like they photoshopped Barkley's head on Serena Williams body.
Oh... I didn't realize that Auburn men were so enlightened. This really explains the militantly gay-friendly perspectives by some in the SGA.
Athens is where the "enlightened beta males" go to smoke hashish and white guys wear their hair in dreads listening to Bob Marley on the sidewalk. Michael Stipe is the beta male hero in Athens.