Not to mention the fact that George Zimmerman and his wife mentored two black kids for a few years.
His great grandfather is black. His mother is Afro-Peruvian. He is equally as white as Barrack Obama. The product of an interracial marriage himself. He is (was) registered to vote as a Hispanic Democrat. He voted for Obama. In high school, he dated a black girl. Took her to prom.
Saw them play a clip of the 911 call last night, that a pundit claimed proved beyond any doubt that he was racist. Specifically the first 35 seconds.
When asked "Is he white, black, or Hispanic?", he answered "He
looks black", with an uncertainty in his voice. To anyone not looking desperately for racism, it is clear that he doesn't even
know for sure that he's black at this point. He just knows that he's walking around suspiciously.
After seeing the mountain of evidence over the last few days, as well as the jury's verdict, I'm with you guys now. He didn't do a damn thing wrong. It was obviously a bad situation that I'm sure he wishes never got in, but when it comes down to it, he was reporting suspicious activity in his neighborhood. He was assaulted. He defended himself. Period.
The reaction to all of this is really disturbing. Any evidence that Trayvon had a history of physical violence (see the transcripts of his
texts that the judge for some reason didn't allow as admissible) are completely ignored. Any facts of the case, like the fact that Trayvon clearly physically confronted Zimmerman, are ignored.
But it
feels racist, so we must convict him for murder. No facts of the case, or of Zimmerman's background are admissible in the steel trap minds of so many across the country.