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Andrew Breitbart dead at 43...

Re: Andrew Breitbart dead at 43...
« Reply #20 on: March 02, 2012, 10:06:58 AM »
Did Scott Moore write that article?
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Re: Andrew Breitbart dead at 43...
« Reply #21 on: March 02, 2012, 10:11:02 AM »
Did Scott Moore write that article?

I get what you're saying, but everything Breitbart has ever promised came to light with a video, audio or picture eventually. You were probably being sarcastic, but they aren't even comparable on journalistic integrity. I would compare Scott Moore closer to Alex Jones.
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Re: Andrew Breitbart dead at 43...
« Reply #22 on: March 02, 2012, 10:22:17 AM »
This may surprise a lot of you, but I liked this guy.

The video above is not a good example of this, but typically, he was cool, calm, and collected when voicing his opinion with conviction and indignation. I admired that he did not bullshitake, whatsoever. He appears pretty belligerent in the video posted above, but hey, he's playing to CPAC, so that's to be expected.

I also admired that, where a lot of conservatives won't go on MSNBC or shows like Real Time with Bill Maher, because they claim they don't want to dignify and legitimize them (but, to me, usually appear to be more out of fear that they will be made to look foolish), Breitbart would do these types of shows, guns blazing. And he didn't compromise what he was saying one bit for the liberal studio audience.
And I too saw the "natural causes" report. There's nothing natural about a death at 43 in the year 2012.

I too am shocked that you liked the guy.  Like you I admire the fact that he wasn't afraid to take the political fight to the faces of the left and go on MSNBC and Real Time along with other moonbat, lefty media outlets.  I know that there's an old saying about the graveyard being full of indispensable people but he truly was one-of-a-kind in the political world in my opinion.  I don't know of anyone that can take his place but at least the legacy of work that he leaves behind has a life of it's own.

I try to be rational when it comes to conspiracies but I'm really having a difficult time with the uncanny timing of his death.  But, I guess at the end of the day it's a reminder that we're not guaranteed that we'll make it to the parking lot.

Thanks for posting those great videos.
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Re: Andrew Breitbart dead at 43...
« Reply #23 on: March 02, 2012, 10:33:15 AM »
I try to be rational when it comes to conspiracies but I'm really having a difficult time with the uncanny timing of his death.  But, I guess at the end of the day it's a reminder that we're not guaranteed that we'll make it to the parking lot.

There are hyper-links in the actual article.
Top Secret Lethal Weapon
A Secret Weapon of the CIA Causes Heart Attacks

Dear friends,

A top secret lethal weapon of the CIA is used for conducting clandestine assassinations without leaving a trace of evidence. This specially designed secret weapon is a pistol which shoots a small poison dart to cause a heart attack, as explained in Congressional testimony in a short video clip from a powerful documentary on the CIA. By educating ourselves and others on vitally important matters like this, we can build a brighter future for us all.

The dart from this secret CIA weapon penetrates clothing and leaves nothing but a tiny red dot on the skin. On penetration of the deadly dart, the individual targeted for assassination may feel as if bitten by a mosquito, or they may not feel anything at all. The poisonous dart completely disintegrates upon entering the target.

The lethal poison then rapidly enters the bloodstream causing a heart attack. Once the damage is done, the poison denatures quickly, so that an autopsy is very unlikely to detect that the heart attack resulted from anything other than natural causes. Sounds like the perfect James Bond weapon, doesn't it? Yet all of this is verifiable in Congressional testimony.

The astonishing information about this secret weapon of the CIA comes from U.S. Senate testimony in 1975 on rogue activities of the CIA. This weapon is only one of many James Bond-like discoveries of the Church Committee hearings, officially known as the United States Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities.

Could this or a similar secret weapon have been used, for instance, in the death of 52-year-old Mark Pittman, a reporter who predicted the financial crisis and exposed Federal Reserve misdoings? Pittman, whose fight to open the Federal Reserve to more scrutiny led Bloomberg News to sue the central bank and win, died of a heart attack on Nov. 25, 2009. How many other alleged heart attacks may have been secret political assassinations?

Watch the one-minute video at this link for the description of a former CIA secretary and Congressional testimony on this top secret weapon. To watch the revealing 45-minute documentary from which the above clip was taken, click here. In this riveting exposé, five former CIA agents describe how their initial pride and enthusiasm at serving their nation turned to anguish and remorse, as they realized that they were actually subverting democracy and killing innocent civilians all in the name "national security" and promoting foreign policy agendas.

The above-mentioned testimony is from 1975, several decades ago. With the ensuing leaps in technological capability, just imagine what kinds of secret weapons for assassination have been developed since. There is good evidence  that technology has even been developed to cause strong suicidal feelings in a targeted person. For more on this, read powerful information on nonlethal weapons at this link.

The box below provides several ideas on what you can do to further educate yourself on top secret weapons, CIA mind control projects, and more. We also invite you to think about these things and invite discussion with your friends and colleagues. Does the public deserve to know about such secret programs? Can we trust that such deadly weapons are being used for the good of the nation and world, and not for selfish ends? By spreading the word, we can make a big difference and build a brighter future for ourselves and our children.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2012, 10:34:16 AM by djsimp »
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Re: Andrew Breitbart dead at 43...
« Reply #24 on: March 02, 2012, 10:38:43 AM »
One difference between him and, say, Anne Coulter, was that for example in that Bashir interview, where the interviewer clearly had an agenda, when he showed him the Obama monkey picture (that had nothing to do with him) or mentioned that guy that wrote a piece for Breitbart's website, he didn't defend it, he said it was deplorable. He didn't snidely go "Oh, what's the big deal, get over it." He condemned it and exposed the fallacious tactic Bashir was using. I like that he didn't defend everything the right did, just to defend it. He called it like he saw it. To me, it made his arguments stronger when he wasn't crying wolf all the time.
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Re: Andrew Breitbart dead at 43...
« Reply #25 on: March 02, 2012, 02:11:07 PM »
Talk show host Michael Savage is not afraid to ask the questions:

Michael Savage: Was Breitbart assassinated?
1 March 2012  WND

Noting that the cause of Andrew Breitbart’s unexpected death yesterday was being examined by the Los Angeles County Coroner’s office, talk-radio host Michael Savage raised the question of whether the conservative media powerhouse – who recently announced he had videos that could politically damage President Obama – was murdered.
On his top-rated show today, Savage played an audio clip of Breitbart telling an audience at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington last month that he had obtained videos that shed light on Obama’s ties to radicals in the early 1980s who helped propel him to the presidency.
“Maybe my overly active imagination kicked into overdrive,” Savage told his listeners of his decision to raise the question. “But you heard what Breitbart said – he has videos … we’re going to vet the president.”
Breitbart reportedly was walking near his home in Brentwood, Calif., just after midnight this morning when he collapsed. A neighbor saw him fall and called 911. Emergency crews tried to revive him and rushed him to the emergency room at the UCLA Medical Center.
It’s entirely plausible, Savage acknowledged, that Breitbart simply collapsed of a heart attack because of overwork and a reported history of health problems.
“I’m asking a crazy question,” Savage said, “but so what? We the people want an answer. This was not an ordinary man. If I don’t ask this question, I would be remiss.”
Breitbart told the CPAC crowd last month that the videos would reveal Obama during a time when he was meeting a “bunch of silver ponytails” – referring to Weather Underground terror group members Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn.
Ayers and Dohrn reportedly launched Obama’s political career with a fundraiser in their Chicago home.

Savage noted that Breitbart had dinner with Ayers and Dorhn three weeks ago at the couple’s Hyde Park residence on Chicago’s South Side, which is near Obama’s home. Breitbart was invited by Daily Caller Editor-in-Chief Tucker Carlson, who won an Internet auction for a dinner party with the couple.
“I’ve got videos – this election we’re going to vet him,” Breitbart said at CPAC, promising they would show how “racial division and class warfare are central” to the “hope and change” that Obama”sold in 2008.”
“He threatened the president at CPAC with video that could derail the president’s campaign,” Savage said.

“I pray it was natural causes, but we’ll never know the truth.”

Savage said that if Breitbart’s colleagues have the videos, they should post them as soon as possible and make them viral “or they’ll never see the light of day.”

Savage said he hadn’t spoken with Breitbart for the past two years, but he recalled the media mogul’s visited to his home in the Bay Area.
“He spoke for three straight hours,” Savage said. “I was unable to say a word.”
Savage also attended a party at Breitbart’s Los Angeles home.
“I told him two years ago to get a body guard. Never be alone in the street,” Savage said.
Savage, the author of the bestselling novel “Abuse of Power,” put on his novelist hat and speculated about ways a murderer could remain undetected by inducing a heart attack that didn’t leave any traces.
A caller from Savage’s native New York City said there’s a simple way to find out what happened.
“If the tapes come out, he died of a heart attack,” the caller said. “If the tapes don’t come out, they whacked him.”

Full story:
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Re: Andrew Breitbart dead at 43...
« Reply #26 on: March 02, 2012, 02:17:30 PM »
This part.....

ways a murderer could remain undetected by inducing a heart attack that didn’t leave any traces.

....is what scares me. It could look totally like a natural death on an Autopsy. Someone who already has a health issue is a perfect candidate to be assassinated with a means that could simply aggrevate the current health issue.
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Re: Andrew Breitbart dead at 43...
« Reply #27 on: March 08, 2012, 02:01:52 PM »
.......Breitbart’s Obama college video turns out to be a dud, sparks race debate
By Dylan Stableford

Senior Media Reporter


Andrew Breitbart's promised video of Barack Obama's college days at Harvard University was released in full on Sean Hannity's Fox News show on Wednesday night—and unlike the late conservative provacateur's other video hits, this one appears to be a bit of a dud.

The video—which sent some conservatives into a frenzy when Breitbart told an audience at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) last month that he had the footage—shows Obama, then a Harvard law student, introducing former Harvard Law Professor Derrick Bell, who Breitbart.com editor-in-chief Joel Pollak called the "Jeremiah Wright of academia."

Harvard law professor Charles Ogletree had the footage from 1990 and is shown presenting it to an audience after the 2008 election. "I hid this during the 2008 campaign," Ogletree can be heard saying. "I don't care if they find it now."

Pollak and conservatives contend that the video is another example of Obama's history of chumminess with radicals, and the proof of the left's continuing efforts to cover it up.

But as PBS' Andrew Golis noted, "there's nothing new about the clip or Obama's role in the controversy at Harvard Law School."

"In 2008, as a part of our quadrennial election special The Choice 2008," Golis wrote, "Frontline ran the same footage of the speech as a part of an exploration of Obama's time at Harvard Law School, where he graduated in 1991. It's been online at our site and on YouTube since then." Golis added that Frontline obtained the footage from the archives of WGBH, PBS' Boston affiliate. (More on the back story.)

"Is that it?" Soledad O'Brien asked Pollak in an interview on Thursday morning. "What part of that was the bombshell? Because I missed it."

Pollack responded: "The bombshell is the revelation of the relationship between Obama and Derrick Bell ... [Derrick Bell] passed away last year, but during his lifetime he developed a theory called critical race theory, which holds that the Civil Rights movement was a sham and that white supremacy is the order and it must be overthrown."

The interview quickly devolved into an argument over the definition of critical race theory, with Jay Thomas, a Sirius radio host and a panelist on O'Brien's show, jumping into the fray.

"Can I say something as a white person?" Thomas asked Pollak. "What are you frightened of? Are you frightened that some black people are going to do something to you? ... What do you think Barack Obama's going to do? Is there a secret black movement that's going to start killing white people?"

The conversation got worse from there. "I'm glad you played the racism card," Pollak fired back. "You've accused me of being a racist. You've accused me of being afraid of black people. And it doesn't deserve a response. But let me respond anyway. I'm not afraid black people are going to be violent and take over the country. What I'm pointing out is that there's a pattern in Barack Obama's associations with Derrick Bell, with Reverend Wright, and it carries over into his governance because his Justice Department won't treat black civil rights violators the same way it treats white civil rights violators."

Journalists took to Twitter to poke fun at the controversy. "Breitbart's CPAC speech = Lana Del Ray's 'Video Games' video," Slate's Dave Weigel wrote on Twitter. "Actual Obama tape = Lana Del Ray on 'SNL.'"

On CNN, Pollak promised more footage and more bombshells from Breitbart's archives. "This is the beginning of a vetting process that begins with Andrew Breitbart's probe into Barack Obama's time in Chicago and will continue," he said.

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Re: Andrew Breitbart dead at 43...
« Reply #28 on: March 08, 2012, 02:08:13 PM »
Well, for one - I knew the media would hop on this and diminish it no matter what it was. I thought it was pretty damning to be the keynote speaker at a Rally supporting a Marxist Black Liberation Professor and "opening your heart" to his way of thinking.

And two, its March. The Breitbart folks are smart. Does anyone really think this is all they have? At CPAC Breitbart said "we have tapes" - plural. The one from last night may be the most mild of the bunch.

And in re: to this quote:

"What are you frightened of? Are you frightened that some black people are going to do something to you? ... What do you think Barack Obama's going to do? Is there a secret black movement that's going to start killing white people?"

This guy has obviously never heard of the black power or black seperatist movements. Ya know? Black panthers who stand at polling places with billy clubs threatening to beat the shit out of any white person who doesn't vote for Obama in the name of Black Liberation Theology. No threat at all.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2012, 02:11:31 PM by GH2001 »
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Re: Andrew Breitbart dead at 43...
« Reply #29 on: March 08, 2012, 02:15:57 PM »
I highly doubt that this is the tape, or only tape, that was being referenced.
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Re: Andrew Breitbart dead at 43...
« Reply #30 on: March 09, 2012, 02:07:33 AM »
The dude was MER-DER-D.

Kennedy murdered folks.  The Clintons murdered folks.  Surprise that The One's political enemies would drop mysteriously dead? 
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Re: Andrew Breitbart dead at 43...
« Reply #31 on: March 09, 2012, 10:21:48 AM »
The dude was MER-DER-D.

Kennedy murdered folks.  The Clintons murdered folks.  Surprise that The One's political enemies would drop mysteriously dead?

I'm reporting you to ATTACKWATCH.COM for making such a suggestion.
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The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me. 
-Ayn Rand

The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money.
-The Right Honourable Margaret Thatcher

The government solution to a problem is usually as bad as the problem.
-Milton Friedman

The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'
-Ronald Reagan

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.
-Thomas Jefferson