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Rush Limbaugh and Sandra Fluke Controversy


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Re: Rush Limbaugh and Sandra Fluke Controversy
« Reply #20 on: March 06, 2012, 02:43:18 PM »
No, they don't cover it as birth control.  They do cover some forms of hormone therapy for certain non-sexual related reasons. 

BTW, your comment about "so much sex, she can't afford it" is just the type of ignorant statements that drive folks like Rush.  You take the pill once a day, whether you fudge 100 guys a day, or fudge your boyfriend once a month.  Cost remains the same no matter how much sex your having.   

Like GH said, and I said, it's being presented as a women's health issue, but it's really shilling for free contraception.   If you have a real hormonal issue, your insurance will pay for managing it.

JR4, this does beg the larger question of whether or not FedGov can mandate a private, religious institution to do something that is against their doctrinal beliefs.  This is not a war on women's health as the leftist moonbats like to characterize it; it's a war on religious institutions in the form of Obamacare.  But I guess that "we have to pass the bill so that we can find out what's in the bill."  Separation of church and state as the left loves to tout is not just a one-way relationship.   (And I did note that THS and GH mentioned this aspect too before I could make this post apparently.)
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Re: Rush Limbaugh and Sandra Fluke Controversy
« Reply #21 on: March 06, 2012, 02:45:26 PM »
That is fine. Let her be whore on her own dime and not force institutions with a moral compass to bow down to whoredom.

Not that I am against whoredom. I just don't want to pay for it. If I pay for it, I want to know exactly what I am getting. I don't want to pay for it so others can enjoy it.

Hell, I don't mind paying for whoredom either. But it's going to involve being in front of me doing exactly what I am telling them to do. That's the Sani way (minus the actual paying).
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Re: Rush Limbaugh and Sandra Fluke Controversy
« Reply #22 on: March 06, 2012, 02:49:24 PM »
JR4, this does beg the larger question of whether or not FedGov can mandate a private, religious institution to do something that is against their doctrinal beliefs.  This is not a war on women's health as the leftist moonbats like to characterize it; it's a war on religious institutions in the form of Obamacare.  But I guess that "we have to pass the bill so that we can find out what's in the bill."  Separation of church and state as the left loves to tout is not just a one-way relationship.   (And I did note that THS and GH mentioned this aspect too before I could make this post apparently.)

If you'll recheck my posts in this thread, I've pretty much answered or addressed all that. 
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Re: Rush Limbaugh and Sandra Fluke Controversy
« Reply #23 on: March 06, 2012, 02:49:55 PM »
And another thing, why is a sitting president of the US taking time to address something this freaking petty?

He glorifies the shit out of the left.
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1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends, is the beginning of the end of any nation.


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Re: Rush Limbaugh and Sandra Fluke Controversy
« Reply #24 on: March 06, 2012, 02:51:00 PM »
I am finding it sort of ironic that this sluts last name is Fluke.
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Re: Rush Limbaugh and Sandra Fluke Controversy
« Reply #25 on: March 06, 2012, 02:52:11 PM »
If you'll recheck my posts in this thread, I've pretty much answered or addressed all that.

I would have but I kept getting an Internal Server Error on this site while I was trying to make my post; finally just came back up Mr. Smarty Pants.
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The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'
-Ronald Reagan

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Re: Rush Limbaugh and Sandra Fluke Controversy
« Reply #26 on: March 06, 2012, 02:55:54 PM »
I would have but I kept getting an Internal Server Error on this site while I was trying to make my post; finally just came back up Mr. Smarty Pants.

Glad you're not the only one.  I've been getting the errors and sometimes it just freezes up when clicking on a post. 

Oh, and I don't mind paying for my whores either.
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Re: Rush Limbaugh and Sandra Fluke Controversy
« Reply #27 on: March 06, 2012, 02:57:28 PM »
I would have but I kept getting an Internal Server Error on this site while I was trying to make my post; finally just came back up Mr. Smarty Pants.

I'm getting them constantly.  In fact I got 3 trying to respond to your message.  GF needs to get this bitch squared away!
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Re: Rush Limbaugh and Sandra Fluke Controversy
« Reply #28 on: March 06, 2012, 03:01:23 PM »
And another thing, why is a sitting president of the US taking time to address something this freaking petty?

He glorifies the shitake out of the left.

He's addressing it because it calls into question an aspect of Obamacare, his signature legislation.  He's already polarized Catholics who raised holy-hell about this contraception mandate in the first place.  Of course no one in the MSM was talking about it when the poop first hit the fan on this problem (long before Ms. Fluke made her testimony) because he's The Pharaoh.
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The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me. 
-Ayn Rand

The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money.
-The Right Honourable Margaret Thatcher

The government solution to a problem is usually as bad as the problem.
-Milton Friedman

The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'
-Ronald Reagan

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.
-Thomas Jefferson


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Re: Rush Limbaugh and Sandra Fluke Controversy
« Reply #29 on: March 06, 2012, 04:18:56 PM »
It's just amazing to me how everyone pays attention and becomes outraged when Limbaugh or other Conservatives use derogatory terms to describe a particular whore woman.  Where was this outrage when they called Sarah Palin a slut?  Where was the outrage when they threw derogatory terms at Ann Coulter and Michele Bachmann?  When Ed Schultz called Laura Ingraham a "Right Wing Slut", Barbara Walters just laughed it off with Joy Behar, but when Fluke goes on their show yesterday...  "Isn't this a tragedy?" and "Oh isn’t this horrible? Rush Limbaugh should be driven off the air."   

Ms. Fluke is a woman who happens to be a whore.  She claims that this "contraceptive coverage" that she can't seem to live without will cost her $3000 while she's a student.  By her own statement, she's in her third year.  Assuming she graduates this year, this life saving "contraceptive coverage" would have cost her less than $10 per month.  Is it really that much of a burden to come up with an extra $10 per month? 

Perhaps, Rush's choice of words were incorrect, and for that, he has already apologized. 
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My rule of life prescribed as an absolutely sacred rite smoking cigars and also the drinking of alcohol before, after and if need be during all meals and in the intervals between them.  - Winston Churchill

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Re: Rush Limbaugh and Sandra Fluke Controversy
« Reply #30 on: March 06, 2012, 05:29:35 PM »
Ms. Fluke is a woman who happens to be a whore.  She claims that this "contraceptive coverage" that she can't seem to live without will cost her $3000 while she's a student.  By her own statement, she's in her third year.  Assuming she graduates this year, this life saving "contraceptive coverage" would have cost her less than $10 per month.  Is it really that much of a burden to come up with an extra $10 per month? 

3 years = 36 months.  36 months * $10 = 360 dollars.

When, exactly, did she start being denied the coverage?  As a freshman in high school?

And Christ, is it really asking a lot of these people, that if the school you're looking at doesn't offer this coverage you must have, then find somewhere else to go?
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Re: Rush Limbaugh and Sandra Fluke Controversy
« Reply #31 on: March 06, 2012, 06:19:15 PM »
3 years = 36 months.  36 months * $10 = 360 dollars.
My math is good, and that was with an engineering degree.  Aside from that, there is no commonly used contraception medication that costs $500-1000 per year.  Her story was exactly that...  a lie. 

When, exactly, did she start being denied the coverage?  As a freshman in high school?
There are a few leaps and gaps in her logic.  None of it really adds up. 

And Christ, is it really asking a lot of these people, that if the school you're looking at doesn't offer this coverage you must have, then find somewhere else to go? 
This was just a continuation of the gubm'et imposing it's will on religion.  This whore woman attends law school at Georgetown.   Georgetown is a Catholic and Jesuit University.  The school provides low cost insurance to it's students if they choose to purchase it.  That insurance does not include contraceptive coverage.  The students can step outside and purchase all of the healthcare, contraception coverage and medication they desire. 

Contrary to Left-wing logic, Conservatives aren't trying to ban birth control.  We just don't want to pay for your birth control. 
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My rule of life prescribed as an absolutely sacred rite smoking cigars and also the drinking of alcohol before, after and if need be during all meals and in the intervals between them.  - Winston Churchill

Eating and sleeping are the only activities that should be allowed to interrupt a man's enjoyment of his cigar.  - Mark Twain

Nothing says "Obey Me" like a bloody head on a fence post!  - Stewie Griffin

"Every government interference in the economy consists of giving an unearned benefit, extorted by force, to some men at the expense of others."  - Ayn Rand


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Re: Rush Limbaugh and Sandra Fluke Controversy
« Reply #32 on: March 06, 2012, 07:46:52 PM »
It's just amazing to me how everyone pays attention and becomes outraged when Limbaugh or other Conservatives use derogatory terms to describe a particular whore woman.  Where was this outrage when they called Sarah Palin a slut?  Where was the outrage when they threw derogatory terms at Ann Coulter and Michele Bachmann?  When Ed Schultz called Laura Ingraham a "Right Wing Slut", Barbara Walters just laughed it off with Joy Behar, but when Fluke goes on their show yesterday...  "Isn't this a tragedy?" and "Oh isn’t this horrible? Rush Limbaugh should be driven off the air."   
Can't disagree one bit!

Ms. Fluke is a woman who happens to be a whore.
Since "whore" is so subjective, can you clarify what a "whore" is, and why Fluke is one based on what you know about her?

She claims that this "contraceptive coverage" that she can't seem to live without will cost her $3000 while she's a student.

Nope, that's not what she said, not even close.  In fact she never discussed her own personal medical needs, nor did she discuss anything about her sex life, sex partners, sexual orientation, or once refer to it as "life saving contraception". 

By her own statement, she's in her third year.  Assuming she graduates this year, this life saving "contraceptive coverage" would have cost her less than $10 per month.  Is it really that much of a burden to come up with an extra $10 per month? 

Where does the $10 a month figure come from?

Perhaps, Rush's choice of words were incorrect, and for that, he has already apologized.

So, you do or don't agree she's a slut?
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Re: Rush Limbaugh and Sandra Fluke Controversy
« Reply #33 on: March 06, 2012, 08:01:46 PM »
My math is good, and that was with an engineering degree.  Aside from that, there is no commonly used contraception medication that costs $500-1000 per year.  Her story was exactly that...  a lie. 

A quick check online shows a very common one, to be priced at $29.99 per month.   About $350 a year.   Seems she probably pulled the 3 grand figure out of her ass.   Your a little closer with the one you pulled out of yours.
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Re: Rush Limbaugh and Sandra Fluke Controversy
« Reply #34 on: March 06, 2012, 08:58:30 PM »
Meh. This whole "controversy" is just a fluke. 
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Re: Rush Limbaugh and Sandra Fluke Controversy
« Reply #35 on: March 06, 2012, 10:06:17 PM »
Since "whore" is so subjective, can you clarify what a "whore" is, and why Fluke is one based on what you know about her?
She's an attention whore.  She was portrayed as some poor innocent college student, a girl who decided to continue her education to get a law degree.  The truth is that she went back to school in her 30s.  If she couldn't see to her contraceptive needs in her 30s, that's not my damn problem. 

Nope, that's not what she said, not even close.  In fact she never discussed her own personal medical needs, nor did she discuss anything about her sex life, sex partners, sexual orientation, or once refer to it as "life saving contraception". 
Not even close?  She did say...

Without insurance coverage, contraception, as you know, can cost a woman over $3,000 during law school. For a lot of students who, like me, are on public interest scholarships, that’s practically an entire summer’s salary. 40% of the female students at Georgetown Law reported to us that they struggle financially as a result of this policy. 
She's portrayed as an expert on the matter...  She brought up the $3k figure.  She also brought up polycystic ovarian syndrome.  The implication being that without this contraceptive care, millions of women would be put at risk.  The phrase "life saving" is implied. 

Where does the $10 a month figure come from?
My math error... as already identified. 

So, you do or don't agree she's a slut?
The term slut was likely an inappropriate choice of words as has already been established.  However, one could reason that a law student, especially one who chose to go back to school at 30, should be more focused on her studies rather than birth control.  I'll leave it at that. 

A quick check online shows a very common one, to be priced at $29.99 per month.   About $350 a year.   Seems she probably pulled the 3 grand figure out of her ass.   Your a little closer with the one you pulled out of yours.
Well, I took her $3k figure, mistakenly dropped a zero and divided it by 36 months.  I was incorrect.  The $30 a month figure is much closer to reality... for non-students.  Apply a student discount at a typical pharmacy or public clinic, and the same medications can go for as little as $15 per month. 

Perhaps if slutty coeds spent more time on their studies than wringing their hands about birth control, contraceptive care and fucking around, our society would be a little further along. 
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My rule of life prescribed as an absolutely sacred rite smoking cigars and also the drinking of alcohol before, after and if need be during all meals and in the intervals between them.  - Winston Churchill

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Re: Rush Limbaugh and Sandra Fluke Controversy
« Reply #36 on: March 06, 2012, 10:17:17 PM »
So, all women that choose birth control are slutty, or whores?
« Last Edit: March 06, 2012, 10:21:35 PM by JR4AU »
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Re: Rush Limbaugh and Sandra Fluke Controversy
« Reply #37 on: March 06, 2012, 10:26:18 PM »
So, all women that choose birth control are slutty, or whores?
Female coeds who permit themselves to become preoccupied by it... yes. 
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My rule of life prescribed as an absolutely sacred rite smoking cigars and also the drinking of alcohol before, after and if need be during all meals and in the intervals between them.  - Winston Churchill

Eating and sleeping are the only activities that should be allowed to interrupt a man's enjoyment of his cigar.  - Mark Twain

Nothing says "Obey Me" like a bloody head on a fence post!  - Stewie Griffin

"Every government interference in the economy consists of giving an unearned benefit, extorted by force, to some men at the expense of others."  - Ayn Rand


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Re: Rush Limbaugh and Sandra Fluke Controversy
« Reply #38 on: March 06, 2012, 11:08:58 PM »
Haven't read most of this thread, just glanced at it.  Should Rush have called her a whore or slut?  Probably not.  Should have used a better choice of words? Probably so.   Is Fluke really a whore/slut?  I don't know and don't care.   None of that really bothers me. 

Two things.  I shouldn't have to foot the bill for birth control.  Last time I checked (have family that works there) the local county health dept will give you birth control free of charge.  The second thing that bothers me about this is the double standard of the media.  I think someone touched on it.  I got this off teh bookfaces and I have checked it out for accuracy but pretty sure it's true.

Bill Maher: "Sarah Palin is a stupid twat."
Ed Schultz: "Laura Ingraham is a right-wing slut."
Keith Olbermann: "Michele Bachmann is a mashed-up bag of meat with lipstick on it.”
David Letterman: “Sarah Palin dresses like a slutty flight attendant."
David Letterman: "There was an awkward moment for Sarah Palin at the Yankee game. During the 7th inning, her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez.".

Where was the outrage from the media when these women were being attacked?  Now, I am no fan of Palin or Bachmann, but pretty clear double standard if you ask me.
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Re: Rush Limbaugh and Sandra Fluke Controversy
« Reply #39 on: March 07, 2012, 08:36:54 AM »
Meh. This whole "controversy" is just a fluke.

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